The Aftermath, Reviving Audrey, Daddy Issues (Mel's Pov)

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Mal and uma help me up and have me sandwiched in between them to hold me up, celia is walking in front of us, and harry's carrying audrey in front of celia as we walk down the stairs to get to audrey's dorm. We get there and uma and mal sit me down in one of the arm chairs after celia moved it over to audrey's bedside, mal moves another one beside me. My phone rings and I answer it. "Rosie, are you guys okay? Where are you?" Ben asks frantically. "We're fine, everything over and done. But audrey's not waking up and we're in her dorm." I explain. "We're coming over right now. Carlos is telling fairy godmother to get your family. I need to call my parents, I'll see you when we get to the school alright?" Ben says before hanging up. "Ben and the other's are on their way. He's calling his parents and fairy godmother is bringing mine and audrey's family." I tell the others. "How are you feeling, you used a lot of your magic, surprisingly you held up well against the power of the scepter but that can't be good for you or the baby- I mean bandages." Mal catches herself and uma looks over at her "Did you say baby? Mel are you..." Uma trails off unsurely. I sigh. "No it can't be good for me or the baby, she's been completely still for a while now. I'm worried." I say, not caring about uma or celia hearing me. "I'm sure she's fine. She's your kid so she's bound to be a fighter." Harry muses with a smirk, trying to stop my worrying. We sit in silence after harry's comment.

The group comes in and evie sits down across from me and mal. "She's slipping away." Evie says after feeling her pulse. "There's only one person in the world who might be able to do something about this and that's hades." Mal say weakly. "Hades? He wouldn't do it, and I wouldn't risk it." Ben speaks up. "Actually he might do it for me. He's my father." Mal replies. "And he might do it for me as well, growing up I believed he was my father too, and he was told I was his by my mother." I add and everyone in the room besides evie and celia look shocked. "Okay, we'll have to send guards to get him." Ben relents, crossing his arms. "Maybe I could hitch a ride. If the barrier is closing for good, I ought to be there to protect the isle." Uma says and I give her a sad look. "I'll go too." Hans jr speaks up coming over and placing his hand on her shoulder. "Then the isle will be in very good hands." I say to them with a bittersweet smile. "Can I go to?" Celia asks shocking us all. "I wish I could be in both places. But if the barrier is closing, I'd want to be able to stay with my dad." She says and I nod. "I understand, and I will try my hardest to fight the barrier closing for good. But if I can't then you should be with your dad." I answer and she walks over and hugs me. "It's not your fault, you were honest about not being able to promise anything and I appreciate it." Uma tells me and hugs me after celia does. "For what it's worth, you'll be a great mother." She whispers before pulling away. I smile at her and she smiles back.

Soon fairy godmother comes with jane, bell, adam and my family. "I can't believe she would do something like this." Aurora says falling to her knees beside the bed. I attempt to stand, but ben and mal hold out their hands for me to stop. The royal guards come and take hans, uma and celia back to the isle with them to go get hades. "Mels you just drained your power you shouldn't be standing." Mal scolds. "I need to move out of the way for my aunt, uncle and grandparents to get to audrey." I say and aurora looks up from audrey. "No dear you've got to stay sitting. Save your strength." She tells me and I guiltily look at my hands. "We should get her to the doctor if she drained her power, at least to see if everything's okay." Bell suggests and ben nods, gesturing to one of the royal guards. He whispers something to the guard who nods and leaves the room, he comes back a few moments later with a wheelchair. Mal helps me into it. "We'll be back." Ben says as he starts to push me out of the room. "I'm taking you to my dorm and the guard is getting the doctor to bring to us." Ben tells me as he pushes me through the halls. I drift to sleep before I get to ben's room.

"Hello again, you did really well against the power of my scepter. And don't worry, using your powers don't harm her in any way. In fact you may have noticed that with certain emotions your powers act up a bit. That's normal in later stages of pregnancy because of the hormones in your body. I had it with both you and mal, and you'll probably have it happen with any other kids you have. Mal will have it happen as well, and who knows what hades powers will add to that." Mother's voice speaks. I turn to see her holding my baby girl, who is sleeping soundly. "She's just resting after all the adrenaline and magic. Like you are as well. You'll wake in the morning and be back to tip top shape." She adds and I nod. "By the way, congrats on the engagement." "Thanks." I reply and she passes me the sleeping baby. "I never asked how you were able to speak to me in my dream, or how you were able to show me my baby." I muse and she gives a wry smile. "It's part of our powers. But since you're out of the isle and in a calm state you reach out to me instead of it being the other way around. You reach out to me with the question that you were thinking before you fell asleep and I can answer it." She explains. "Oh, cool." I muse and she laughs. "Well, seems like it's time for you to wake up. And her, so she'll be back to kicking you in the morning." Mother says looking at a watch she conjured.

I wake up with only a slight headache and notice ben asleep next to me. I kiss the tip of his nose and his cheeks lightly. His eyes open with a giggle. "Morning beautiful." He says in his raspy morning voice. I feel the baby flutter around and kick softly twice. "There she is." I muse rubbing my stomach happily. "Yeah the doctor said she was fine, and that you both only needed sleep. But she also said not to drain your powers, it's not good for you or the baby if you do it a lot." Ben tells me and I nod. "So we should get better clothes on and make our way over to audrey's dorm. Hades is arriving in a little while." So we go to the castle, get dressed in new clothes, and make it back to audrey's dorm before hades arrives. Dad paces with adam by the door as bell stands behind them with a nervous look on her face. Leah sits beside audrey, holding her hand. Aurora stands with philip on the other side of the bed, holding hands and stefan sits in the window seat carrying on a conversation with mal and fairy godmother.

We wait in silence for a few hours and then hades arrives. Adam opens the door and hades is chained up, with guards surrounding him. "Thank you for coming." I say walking up to him calmly. "Didn't have much choice." He says sarcastically, holding his handcuffed hands up. "Can you wake her?" Ben asks stepping forward. "Since when do heroes care about villains?" Hades asks. "Shes-" "One of your own? Right. When you guys try to destroy the world... it's an error in judgment. But when it's one of us... lock them up and throw away the key. Right, Beast?" Hades says and then holds up his hands. The guards reach out, ready to detain him if necessary. "Yeah. I'm gonna need to use my hands." Hades reminds and I nod at them to uncuff him. They uncuff him and mal walks over and hands him the ember. His hair flairs up and the guards, adam and my dad step back. "Haven't lost my touch." Hades muses with a proud smirk. He then gets in adams face and starts to growl. Adam growls back and dad watches in confusion. "Dad." Mal speaks up, getting hades attention again. Hades shrugs and walks over to the foot of the bed. He crouches down and waves the ember over audrey three times. The room turns blue and suddenly audrey takes a breath and sits up. "Audrey! You're okay." Aurora exclaims in relief.

Audrey looks around and says, "Tell me it was all a bad dream." "I wish I could, but it's over now." Ben answers. She looks at me with a frown and I frown back. "I'm sorry. I wanted to hurt you three." She says, scooting to the end of the bed. "I wanted to hurt all of you." Mal steps forward and takes her hands. "I have owed you an apology for a long time now." Mal tells her and I step forward as well. "I do as well." "And so do I." Me and ben say and she shakes her head. "Perhaps, I have owed you an apology to all three of you." Leah speaks up. "I had said something the day of your engagement that may have made audrey do what she did. And I put her in harm's way because of it. To mel because I haven't given you a chance, I didn't listen to you and I tried to push my agenda onto you. And to you for pre judging you based on something you didn't even do." Leah explains and I smile thankfully at her.

Adam gestures for the royal guards to put hades back in his handcuff and take him back to the isle. Before they take him away mal and I share a look and go after him. "Dad wait." Mal shouts when we get into the hallway. Hades turns around and takes a step forward only to be stopped by the guards. "I'm gonna have to miss you all over again." Mal says jokingly, with tears in her eyes. "Thanks for a glimpse of the sun." Hades replies to her with a smile. "And you mels, you may not be my actual daughter but I'll always think of you as such." He says looking at me. Mal makes the first move, walking up and kissing him in the cheek. Then I walk up and hug him. He hands mal the ember secretly and winks before they take him away. We watch and I feel a little melancholy as they walk. I hug mal as she clasps the ember tightly and cries.

And in the End I'd do it all Again: Book fourМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя