A fight with suits of armor (Mel's Pov)

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"Ben!" I call as we walk through the halls of the castle. "He could be asleep anywhere." I say worriedly. "Or turned to stone." Celia adds and I get even more worried. "Okay." Evie says and covers her mouth. "Ben!" I call louder this time. "I got a scent, very pungent cologne. Easy to track, follow me people."Dude speaks up suddenly. "That's great dude." Jay compliments. "Fyi, I give great cuddles too." "Really? I never had a pet growing up." Hans jr says to him. "Hold up, What's this?" Uma asks pointing to scratch marks on the wall. "Uhh any chance this was already here?" Carlos adds in a semi sacred tone. I shake my head. "And follow me!" dude exclaims and takes off running. We reach an empty room with only suits of armor standing along the walls. As we look around the room we carry light conversion. "I bet you two lost some sleep thinking about me on the loose?" Uma asks turning to mal and I. "No. Dragons don't really lose sleep. I wonder what fried octopus tastes like." Mal answers and I facepalm. "Okay. Why don't we not do this?" Evie interrupts. "We're celebrating our differences." Uma cuts her off with "I believe we're being challenged." Hans speaks from the other side of uma. "Let's split up and look for Audrey." Uma suggests, ignoring hans' comment. "That makes absolutely no sense. Unless you give me my ember, she's going to spell you." Mal argues holding out her hand. Suddenly the suit of armor in front of us springs to life. "Girls! We have a situation here." Harry shouts, getting their attention.

"Do you like a prince, Mel? How about a knight in shining armor? Or knights?" Audrey's voice speaks from inside the armor and the other suits spring to life. Uma gestures for hans to hand her one of the swords mounted on the wall and jay does the same for mal. Harry grabs one for me and we all get ready to fight the armor. "Look I'll take the lead and you follow." Uma says and mal shakes her head. "No I've got a strategy, you take left and the others can follow my lead." "Uh uh." Uma says grabbing mal's arm. "This is my crew to be ordering around." "This is my squad, they don't take orders from you." Mal argues. "Look if you both don't stop arguing right now, we'll get our asses handed to us by scrap metal." I snap at them and mal looks at me worriedly. "You shouldn't even be fighting. You were stabbed like two weeks ago." She says to me and glances down at my bump quickly. "What?!" the boys, and uma shout in shock. "I'm not gonna take this lying down." I say and then swing at one of the suits of armor. Harry swinging at one sneaking up behind me. One manages to get my sword out of my hand and cut my hand. I cover my bump with one hand protectively and the other out blocking the suit of armor's sword. I wait for the sword to hit me but when it doesn't I look up and see the suit of armor surrounded by lilac purple smoke. I grin and start to make the armor fight the other armors, each one it takes down becomes able to be controlled by me.

"Not so powerful now huh audrey?" I question with a smirk. Soon all the armor is in a pile in the center of the room and I breathe a sigh of relief. I hear the others start to cheer, happily. "We did that!" Uma shouts holding her hand up to mal and almost high fiving her. "Good job." I tell them and then they split back into their seperate groups. "Guys come on, we were a team. You know what we should try? An ice breaker." Evie says and I groan. "You say something you really like about each other. I'll go first, hans jr, I like your hair it's a nice natural orange. Now you go." She speaks and uma shakes her head. "Is she always this perky?" Evie smiles at uma's question. "Oh it wasn't really your turn, but thank you." Mal steps forward and tells her we need to get back to the matter at hand. "Alright, where does this cheerleader bunk down? Even if she's not there we could still find some clues." Uma says. "Actually she's still in the dorms." "That's right, because of summer school." I say, mentally thanking elianna's teaching during my time in catelona for me not having to go to summer school. "Summer school? Summer school. No wonder she wants revenge." Hans says with a laugh and I snort, earning a look from everyone else.

"Okay I need the guys to go find ben. And us girls will go find clues. We'll meet back at evie's place in two hours. Okay?" I say, turning serious. "Sounds like we're going with my plan." Uma comments and I sigh. "I never said we weren't, let's just go." I reply and start to walk away. I feel the baby kicking and jabbing at my stomach in protest of more walking and rub my stomach to comfort her. I manage to be a good distance away from the other girls so I whisper, "I'm sorry darling, I know. It's alright, your uncles will find your dad." I feel her calm a little bit and smile lightly. Mal comes up beside me and places a hand on the small of my back for support. "They're all back there still, I have evie keeping them distracted. How's my niece doing, is she okay? Do you need to sit out of this for a while?" Mal asks, concerned. "She doesn't like the fact that I'm moving around so much, I think she can feel something's wrong and I don't know if using my powers affects her in any way. But I can't control them again so I can only hope she's not hurt by them." I reply and she nods. "Hades asked about you." She says. "Did he talk about me like he thinks I'm his daughter or did he know that I'm not?" She shrugs. "I don't know if he does, he only asked how you where and where you were. Nothing else." She answers.

And in the End I'd do it all Again: Book fourحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن