Chapter Five - Studio

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A week later, Samantha still hadn't called or visited the studio, although Tansy had dutifully added the Panthergard name to the visitors' list on her first day of filming. After her harrying adventure, the girl had probably decided against a career in acting, and no surprise, Tansy thought cynically. The police hadn't contacted her either, nor the bad guys had made any moves against her. The entire scrape had sort-of disappeared, except in her memory, but Tansy was reluctant to recall Dean back. Let the boy have a vacation at her expense.

"Tansy," her friend Ian hailed her in the snack room. Ian had a tiny recurring role in the show, about one episode in four. Tansy was always glad to see him.

"You have time?" he asked as he poured coffee for himself.

"Sure." Tansy got her own coffee, and they both settled in a corner of the narrow cafeteria.

"I'm going ahead with the charity show this year," Ian said. "Are you in?"

"Oh, yes." Tansy's lips stretched into a happy grin.

For the past few years, Ian had run a charity project—a free live show for disadvantaged children during the winter school vacation. The only exception had been last year, after the Great Predation destroyed so much in Thaisia and decimated the Cel-Romano Alliance. Tansy had participated in each one of Ian's initiatives. She was contractually obligated not to work for any other commercial project but Coconut Boulevard for as long as the sitcom ran, but she could play in charity performances. And she did. And enjoyed it. Working with Ian was always fun.

"What play have you selected this year?" she asked as she sipped her coffee.

Ian fingered his napkin absently. "I was thinking of writing a play myself. I actually started something. It's about a friendship between humans and Others. You know, to teach the kids how to behave, so the horrors like last year wouldn't happen again. Maybe ... I'm not sure it comes out the right way though. Still tinkering with the details. Would you mind reading it. I trust your judgement."

"Sure." Tansy nodded. "Do you mind an idea? It's something that happened to me, actually. Just last week."

"What?" He perked up. "What happened to you last week? Tell all."

"Okay." Tansy told him about her meeting with Samantha and all that ensued.

"That's beautiful," he breathed, his eyes glittering. "You don't mind if I use this?"

"No, go ahead."

"Thanks. Uhm. Listen, Tansy. Do you think you could get this girl panther to act in the show?"

Tansy shrugged. "If she ever contacts me, I'll ask her. It could be a good practice for her, if she didn't chuck the whole idea of acting out the window after her experience with those loons."

"Could you go ask for her at the Courtyard? You saved her life after all."

"Ian!" Tansy shook her head. "You don't ask for much, do you?"

"I know, I know. Just an idea." He glanced at his watch. "My scene should be up now. I have to go." He jumped up and rushed out of the cafeteria.

Tansy followed more slowly. She was already in costume for her next scene, but they wouldn't be filming it for at least another hour. Could she really drive to the Courtyard and ask for Samantha? What would happen if she did? The worst outcome—the Others would say no. Probably. They wouldn't eat her for asking, would they?

She still contemplated the best approach to the Courtyard half an hour later, when a guard from the studio gates paged her.

"Miss Margolis," he said, when she called him back from her dressing room. "You have a visitor—Samantha Panthergard. It's not a mistake, is it? She is on the list, but I wasn't sure."

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