commaaaa I thinkkkkk

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  She was asleep, in a coma for at least 2 weeks now. I stayed by her side for so long hoping and praying she'd wake up.

It was all my fault she was like this in the first place, she sacrificed her life for mine and ended up just barely surviving.

Every so often she would twitch and squint her eyes like she was scared. I knew wherever she was, it wasn't a good place.

And worst of all she loved me, and I didn't know. I was so caught up in figuring out how to break my own curse that I didn't realize she fucking loved me.

And now I am here, by her side. I feel like I am being suffocated by the look plastered on her face. It's so still, so unnatural so full of pain. And yet it's emotionless.

And god if it weren't for my mistakes, my carelessness, my pride, she would still be smiling and laughing. She would be laying in the rain letting it soak her hair and getting excited when it thundered. Her eyes would light up when she ate something sweet, she would crack a joke at an unnecessary time, she would stare longingly at the sunset, she would be sitting on her roof staring and thanking the stars.


It's been almost 2 months, her room is filled with get well soon cards and flowers that are starting to wilt. She loved flowers. She was always good at growing them. And as they wilted it felt like she was wilting too.

Her hair is at an unnatural length, and she looks skinnier.

I admire her features though. Painfully.

My head is on her bed and one hand is in her hair, the other lightly hugging the shoulder opposite from me.

And I am sobbing. Have been for months. My eyes are puffy and red and I just whisper apologies to her.

Suddenly I feel her breathing quicken. Strength rise in her chest as rises up and down.

And her once smooth like honey voice called out to me.


It echoed in my head. I couldn't process what was happening but I raised my read so swiftly that I almost lost balance

And there she was

She had a fragile smile and worried, but relieved eyes. Beautiful eyes, the kind you could fall into and get trapped in.

I was frozen. Staring in disbelief.

She raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, and then she brought her hand to my hair and rubbed my head ever so gently.

I snapped out of my daze at the feel of her touch and gasped, smilung from ear to ear and I leaned in to hug her.

I made sure to be careful, she still seemed so breakable, like glass. But she hugged me back and stroked my back, a thing she did since we were small.

I pulled away from the hug and stared at her, trying to find words to say, but I was such a jumbled mess that if I tried it would come out in bunches that were incomprehensible.

So I leaned in and kissed her. Her lips were chapped but it didn't matter. She was suprised, but kissed back like she had been waiting for that to happen forever.

I pulled away and stared at her, she has a rosy tint to her cheeks and looked confused but she smiled.

"I love you, I love you so unbelievably much!" I said as I hugged her. She hugged back and everything felt right.

Hshs writing down ideasOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz