Erikleen Smut

184 4 16

Okay for some reason you guys wanted it so it is I guess *cHuCkLeS*

Also y'all do NOT want to know how many spelling mistakes I corrected in this... I was 12 or 13 or something, okay?

"Coaaalleeeen!" (ah yes good start: exceptional spelling) Kory moaned (welp) as he made his way in between the many papers that we're coating the floor of his best friend's office. "It's so untidyyyy!"

"I've been sick!" Colleen rolled her eyes. " And I have 5 deadlines due today!"

Kory sighed and picked up a few documents. He stacked them into piles before turning to acknowledge his work to Colleen.

"Oh my God! You are a literal angel! Kory!" (going a bit exclamation mark happy over here) She leapt to her feet and wrapped her arms around his torso, embracing him in a gratitude filled hug. He laughed into her forehead (hahaha oh did I get saliva on your forehead haha wHoOpS) before releasing her.

Before Colleen could express her gratitude any further towards Kory (okay who's gonna tell her the way that most men and women who live together show their gratitude?), her phone began to ring. She groaned, positive it was her agent requesting an immediate meeting. She loved her job, but sometimes wished she could control her arrangements more. She didn't want to have to run everything past him. As the phone rang more, Colleen realized that she had to pick it up at some point. Moaning, (someone please tell the naïve yOuNg LaDy) she grabbed it, but was shocked when she read the contact title. Erik. She swiftly answered.

(C=Colleen, E=Erik)

E: Hey!

C: Hi, love!

E: I'm outside.


E: Sorry, is that ok? I just, you've been sick and I wanted to check on you.


(Clearly I was too lazy to write out a phone conversation like a normal person)

Colleen hung up the phone before heading downstairs to open the door. The second it was opened she fell into her boyfriend's arms. Their lips met as Colleen wrapped her arms around his neck. He gently rested his arms on her waist, but as the kiss became more heated they moved to Colleen's little bum bum. Colleen moved a hand through his hair, tugging on it as his tongue outlined her lips. She let out a small moan, turning Erik on. As she pulled away, gasping for air, she stared into the eyes of her partner. He was perfect in her eyes and always would be. She cuddled into his arms, smiling into his chest.

"That was a damn good welcome!" Erik laughed into her forehead. (OKAY WHAT IS IT WITH PEOPLE AND COLLEEN'S FOREHEAD?????)

"Mmm. I love you." Colleen spoke into his chest, her lips closing over him. (what are her lips closing over? his nipple?)

"I love you more, sweetheart." He smiled, running a hand through her dark brown hair. Colleen pulled away from the embrace and pulled Erik into the living room (lotta pulling okay. uhh. again, who's gonna tell her?). He took a seat on an arm chair before allowing Colleen to get onto his lap. Colleen wriggled a lot, grinning devilishly at Erik. He sighed, but could feel just how much he was getting turned on. Unfortunately for him, Colleen could feel it too.

"Someone's excited!" She giggled. (Young Rebecca presenting Colleen as a naïve teenager so she could relate to her part 54793)

"I blame you, Colleen Mae." He groaned, as he began to throb. She shifted again on his lap. "COLLEEN!"

"Oops!" She chuckled as she felt him become harder. "Do you need help with that?" A smirk played on her lips.

"Are you offering?" Erik smirked. Colleen nodded and leapt to her feet. Erik slowly stood up in front of her as she cast her eyes down to his boner (idk if boner is a swear word so y'all can deal with it). She giggled again before resting her hand on him. Gently, she began to massage him. Erik moaned in excitement as her massaging became quicker. He bundled her into his arms before racing up the stairs to her bedroom. He placed her on the bed before slowly lowering himself onto her. Colleen's elegant hands moved their way back down to his boner as they began to make out. She massaged him, feeling him get even more excited. She moved her hands onto his shirt and tugged it over his head. Erik removed her shirt whilst Colleen pulled his pants down. She eyed his bulge as he removed her bra. Erik stared hungrily at her chesticles as Colleen rolled them over so she was on top (we stan a switch). She quickly pulled off her pants and panties (fun fact: I HATE the word 'panties' with a strong passion), smirking at Erik's hungry expression. She then removed his boxer-briefs, her eyes becoming large as Erik's 7 inch package (ooh what's in it? some cream? double? single? so exciting!)  jumped out. She lowered herself and took his tip into her mouth, licking him gently. Getting only a small moan as a reaction, she sucked on him. He moaned as she sucked harder and faster on him. After a minute, Erik pulled her up. He quickly slid on a condom before rolling them over. They began to make out again. Erik's kisses made their way down Colleen's neck and chest. He swirled his tongue around her chesticle tops, making them harden. She pulled (dude stop pulling) him up, eager for his lips to be against her own once again. Needing air, he pulled (petition to re-name this 'pulling') his lips from hers. He then moved one finger down to her vahinas, feeling her wetness. Colleen's baby exit point throbbed, eager to be satisfied by him. His fingers teased her, rubbing around her slit (it''s clit not slit smh). She moaned slightly, needing him inside of her, penetrating her tight vajayjay. 

Okay I never wrote any more than that (I mean technically I only wrote 'she moaned slightly, needing' before stopping but I finished the sentence so you're welcome) because I feel like it's just gonna be weird with my censoring and it's just gonna end up like Erik pushed his manly parts inside of Colleen's girly parts as she moaned 'holy mama frackalacking-'. She was cut off as she felt an ocean wave building inside of her. 'Oh fork don't stop frick Erik oMg. and like...idk that's weird for me to write because like...I grew up on this woman I do not want to be writing about that because it's one thing to publish something I wrote years ago but it's different to write something new to publish now that's like my current work. I have nothing against people who do write 'smutty' fanfictions (ngl we all need a good dose of smut every now and then) but that's just really not something I can write personally without cringing. I don't cringe when I read other people's but like writing it just isn't my thing. Idk I think people who do write it are really talented actually though because it is super difficult to write it and make it sound like relatively normal sex but still keeping the porn-esque 'smuttiness' to it. 

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