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'So Nick, when do you think you and Priyanka will join your brothers in parenthood?' Asked the interviewer.

'Well Pri and I are just enjoying each other just now, you know with us both working so hard it's just not been possible yet, but never say never' Nick said diplomatically.

'Can you imagine how cute they'd be, baby nickyanka's' joked Joe and the audience went aww.

After the interview was finished Nick stormed off the stage, into the dressing room and slammed the door.

'Woah, what's up with him?' Kevin asked Priyanka, walking towards the door to chastise him.

'Not just now. Just give him space' she replied, taking a deep breath and walking in to the room with her husband.

She closed the door softly and watched Nick pacing back and forth muttering under his breath.
'Everyone's fucking obsessed with us having babies, I'm sick of it'

'Nick, calm down. They don't know, it's not their fault' said Pri with a sigh.

'Two and a half years we've been trying and nothing. Not even a scare, what's wrong with us?' He said throwing himself down on to the sofa and putting his head in his hands.

'Nick, I know we said we'll leave it down to God to decide but is it maybe time to see a doctor? Maybe I've just left it too late' she said.

A week later Nick and Pri went to see a fertility specialist, neither one of them had discussed the issues with anyone else before and it wasn't an easy appointment but the doctor reassured them that chances were high that there was nothing wrong. To make sure the doctor ran tests on both of them to determine if there were any issues.

Friday nights were Jonas family nights and everyone had arrived at Denise and Paul's: Joe was there with Sophie and Willa, Kevin and Dani had Alena and Valentina, Nick and Priyanka. and even Frankie had his girlfriend Eve there. They all sat around the dinner table digging into the piles of delicious food.

'So son, how's life treating you?' asked Nicks dad.

'Fine' he replied sullenly.

'Are you sure? You don't seem fine?' He pushed.

'I wish everyone would just keep their noses out of my feelings. I'm great, delighted, ecstatic. Why wouldn't I be? I mean I only just found out today that there's almost zero chance of my wife and I conceiving a baby and it's all my fault so why wouldn't I be fine' Nick shouted, standing up from the table and running out of the room. Priyanka stood to follow him, tears clearly filling her eyes.

'It's ok Pri, let me talk to him' said Denise rubbing her back.

Denise found Nick in back yard, without saying a word she wrapped her clearly devastated son up in her arms. Eventually he took a deep breath.

'I thought it was her, all this time I thought it was her age and that's why it never happened for us but today the tests came back. It's me. My sperm have low motility or something but basically it means I can't give her a baby, you know how much we want kids mom and it's so cruel' he started to cry again.

'There's other ways son, a donor or IVF or adoption'

'It's not the same though is it. I'll always know it's not my child'

'Any how does Pri feel?'

'She says she's ok with it but mom how can she be? It's literally her dream to have kids and now she's got to choose between kids and me. Honestly I wouldn't blame her if she chooses to go'

Baby JonasDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora