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Cast by Order of Appearance
Lauren Owens: Vanessa Hudgens
Jack Dackerman: Tom Ellis
Mrs. Maisley: Holland Taylor
Diana Prince: Gal Gadot
Victor Zsasz: Chris Messina
Roman Sionis: Ewan McGregor


Thursday, February 20th, 2020:

Lauren Owens sighed as she clocked out. It was a little after 5pm and she was already exhausted after the long day of giving tours around the museum and filling out paperwork. If someone had told her that being an archaeologist would entail all that paperwork and interaction, maybe she would have reconsidered her career. Or not. She really did love her work.

"Leaving so soon, dear?" Her director, Jack Dackerman, asked as he rounded the corner and observed her clocking out.

"What do you mean leaving so soon? Jack, it's after five." Lauren protested as she tiredly ran her hand through her hair.

"But what will the Gotham Museum of Antiquities do without you?" Jack asked dramatically as he placed his hand over his heart.

"Would you stop being dramatic. It's not like I'm never coming in again. You'll see me tomorrow."

"Speaking of you going home, have you found someone to go home to?" Jack asked with a playful smirk.

"I'll find someone when you and Matthew finally have that baby you two have been pining for." Lauren countered as she started to leave the breakroom.

"Ha ha. I'll admit that was a good roast. But seriously," Jack said, stopping her in the hallway, "it's been almost two years since you dated Damian, may the jerk rest in hell, and you need to move on and find someone."

"Look, Jack, I appreciate that you care. And you're an amazing boss for doing so, but I have moved on. I even dated a couple people, remember? It's just that nothing seems to stick."

"And that's why you need to get back in the saddle and start again. Look, why don't I set you up with someone? Matthew knows this guy that works for him, total cutie." Jack insisted as Lauren brushed past him.

"Bye, Jack." Lauren waved over her shoulder, not even bothering to turn around.

"I'm just trying to look out for you." Jack called after her, "Bloody stubborn girl." He sighed to himself.

Meanwhile, Lauren was making her way over to her black, 2018 Kawasaki Concours 14 in the Museum's staff parking lot. She had gotten it at the insistence of her ex, so that they could ride together. In all honesty, she was thinking of getting rid of it. She had no need for a two person motorcycle now that she was single. But at the same time, the Kawasaki had become like her baby and she really couldn't see herself not having it. It really was something of a dilemma for her.

"Let's go home, baby." Lauren said to her bike as she swung her over it. Putting on her helmet, Lauren let the day's troubles float away. The motorcycle hummed to life as soon as she started it and she drove out of the parking lot and turned onto Cardinal Avenue. Traffic was high around this point in time in Old Gotham, but with Lauren's Kawasaki, she was able to weave around the cars and make a left onto 3rd Street. It wasn't much farther to her apartment, maybe a three minute drive. In truth, she could probably just walk to work each day. But she enjoyed the feeling of the wind in her hair as she flew down 3rd and made a hard turn onto Park Street before pulling into the parking spot in front of her Apartment building. The building itself wasn't that impressive. It was just a three story apartment complex with about six apartments inside. Most of the neighbors didn't really interact with Lauren much, most choosing to live their life in quiet before moving out to a better apartment. The only one that really had anything to say to Lauren was Mrs. Maisley, and that was mostly to complain. Complain about her life, her cats, the people upstairs, just about anything really. But Mrs. Maisley wasn't just another tenant who lived on the first floor, she was the owner and landlady of the building. So Lauren would usually try to go out of her way to be nice to her. Lauren was the type of girl who wanted to skate through life with as little difficulty as possible.

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