Who taught you to be mean?

250 55 14

Written on August 16th, 2020

Last Edited on: Saturday, November 21st, 2020

Every action, Word, Phrase, 

Had to come from someone who showed you, Showed. 

Who is it? I honestly want to know. So I'll ask again, Who is it. 

Did you learn it, When they personally had one of those "Anger fits?"

Your mothers? I feel like they are too kind, 

Gave all us presents, Graced us with smiles, I feel like they are the best family members you'd find, 

Brother? Sister? Maybe, But probably not... 

Unless you learned it in a battle or in a quarrel, You fought with them, Fought, 

Why is it always Kids vs. Adults? 

I think we all know the results...

You always win, Injuring us upon the way,

Until the very day.. 

We grow into adulthood,

We have our different moods,

If I was in charge of it all, I would say to all, Say, 

"Why anger, Why rage? That doesn't give you a way!" 

You know REALLY aren't as powerful, As you always say.. 

You know, That you lose power every single day-

Like a scoop of ice cream, Melting, Dripping.. Down, Down, Down, 

It Turns a carefree smile into a stony frown. 

So, I'll ask again, Who taught you to be mean? Who made you frown? 

If it was your family, "Boo! Boo!" *thumbs down* 

But, If you personally made that decision, You—

I'm ashamed. Quite Ashamed. You should know many others are too ashamed of you too. 

Dear parents...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin