🕊Drift Away🕊

43 3 5

Ella, 1972
In order to rid of the anxiety I felt, I took a sip of Jack Daniels whisky that Ronnie had gifted me last week. It stung my throat, but I hoped that it would live up to the name Carly called it one time; medicine for a broken soul.

I looked down at my suitcase on my bed. It was filled with all my prized possessions and my essentials such as all the dresses that could make a girl feel like a princess.

I took a deep breath and another swing of the whisky. As far as leaving went, it was now or never. This would be the only opportunity I'd have to leave before Brad gets home. Without hesitation, I dragged my suitcase out of my room and set my sights for the front door, passed my mother smoking a cigarette and reading a newspaper.

"Bye." I said sharply as I strutted towards the outside. As predicted, she didn't respond since she still had hatred in her soul for me from the night of the incident with Brad and Ronnie.

The weather had seemed to get involved in a tragedy of it's own. Harsh rain sliced down and crashed onto the ground, and it continuously was thundering and flashing lightning. I got into my car, soaking wet already.

I flipped off my house and quickly sped off, to be honest the conditions of the road struck fear into me. Suddenly, I felt a force crash against the side of my car, and it was too string to be thunder.

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