🕊Everybody Look What's Going Down🕊

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"Stop children what's that sound everybody look who's going down..." I now knew that Ronnie only sang the words wrong to annoy me.

"It's what's not who's you dirty old man." I chuckled as I fought with a cigerette. "Damnit."

"Wrong side Elle. Here let me help you... just turn it around and then light it like you would a joint." Ronnie said as he leaned closer to me. We locked eyes as the flame from his lighter teased the end of my smoke, and then with no trouble it was lit. "Now just breathe in."

I followed his instructions, inhaling the smoke into my lungs. I cringed at the unfamiliar and disgusting taste of it, and coughed up however much I took in. "How do you smoke over a pack of THESE a day?"

"Bad habit." Ronnie said as he took the cigarette out of my mouth. It seems without thinking he leaned in and kissed me. "I've been wanting to do that since the first time I met you."

Remeber that song? For What It's Worth? It would only be my luck that exact song would be played tonight, but I knew that would only be the tip of the iceberg of emotional turmoil that would come my way, and it was only a matter of time before I'd have to face Ronnie Van Zant head on. No matter when that time would come, it would definitely feel too soon.

When I felt a surge of excitement come over Joseph, and a grip tighten from Carly, I knew that it was time for the one and only Lynyrd Skynyrd to take the stage.

If you'd asked me what song of ours made the perfect show ender, without a doubt the answer would be Free Bird. The whole entire band would agree with me no doubt in my mind.

"What song is it you wanna hear tonight?" That was when I saw her. Or at least I thought I saw her. I didn't have time for another glance before the song began, since I had to count Billy in for his opening.

But as soon as I stepped up to the microphone to sing the opening lyrics, I saw her again. You couldn't convince me now that it wasn't Ella Daniels in the front row...the woman I fell madly in love with.

But it couldn't be her, right?

Ella's dead...

Lord take care of her for me..

So, despite the weird and potentially paranormal experience that was dropped on me, I followed the normal concert routine. Finish the encore, meet fans backstage. That's when a very excited teenage boy approached me. My guess is he was about sixteen.

"Mr Van Zant? You're like my fucking idol!" The teenager said with excitement.

"Hey watch your language." I lightly lectured with a chuckle. "What's your name son?"

"Joseph." He replied with stars in his eyes.

"Well it's very nice to meet you. You want me to sign that for you kid?" I asked as I pointed to the poster in his hands. He nodded, and just as I was about to pass it back to him I heard a familiar voice. One I couldn't mistake for anyone's.

"Come on Joseph let's go." The voice said. I looked up to see her. I was right the whole time, Ella really is here. But how? "I'm serious we gotta go."

"C'mon Ella why can't we stay here a little longer? Besides I haven't even met the rest of the band yet."

"Elle what are you doing here...how are you here right now?" So I made a little deal with Joseph and I guess myself. I let him stay and meet the rest of the band as long as he'd leave with Carly and wait for me beside the stage once all the fans left. "I... I t..thought."

"Ronnie what are you trying to say?" I asked impatiently with my arms crossed over my chest.

"I...thought you died..."

I titled my head and furrowed my brows during my journey of trying to put the puzzle pieces scattered around my mind together. "For all I knew you just up and left me. I really thought you loved me."

"Elle don't you remember? Don't you remember what happend? The car accident."


Two words that sent me into a panic attack straight away, and given my overwhelmed body, it wasn't surprising that I passed out.

Free Bird || Ronnie Van Zant (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now