Chapter 8: The Truth

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"I want the power of the fox inside you." The man answered.

"You don't need to involve other people just for that reason, you bastard."

The man laugh maniacally, eyes popping out and veins on his eyes are starting to turn red.

"But it's a success. For you to come to me on your own is so convenient."

"You won't have me, asshole!" Naruto yelled.

"Oh.. are you sure about that?" The man steps forward, revealing Sasuke behind him. "Even in exchange of his life?"

Their eyes went to where Sasuke is. Shikamaru and the others 'tsk' while getting more alarmed by the situation. Naruto who stand there frozen started to have a blurry vision.

"W-What the heck.."

"Naruto! Get yourself together!" Neji called out.

"Naruto-kun, please don't do anything out of the plan." Lee added.

Shikamaru stared at Naruto, blood leaving his face.

"I-Is that.."

"Naruto!" Shikamaru yelled when the enemies move to attack them but Naruto isn't responding to them.

The three blocked everything that might come at Naruto.

"Damn it, I didn't take this into account." Shikamaru cursed.


"Damn it!" The three cursed in unison.

| Uzumaki Naruto

W-What the fuck is this..

Right infront of my eyes is Sasuke, tied in ropes and chains.

N-No. It can't be. He's.. He's already dead.

But he's wearing the ANBU uniform. And his features look just like the ANBU that I just kissed last night.

"Who the fuck are you.." I blurted out.

"Naruto!" I was back to my senses when I feel a sting on my cheek and Shikamaru calling my name.

"Get yourself together!" Neji yelled.

I touched my cheek to see blood in it.

"You almost got hit with a kunai on your face. Damn it, don't lose your mind in a situation like this." He added. I look around and they are all fighting.

I don't really understand what was happening but for now, I need to protect my comrades and save him.

"Tajuu Kagi Bunshin Tecnique!" I assisted the others while fighting the man who's the head of all this bullshits.

"It seems like you're too shock, Nine-tailed demon fox." He said, smirking. "Are you okay with it? Konoha fooled you. The hokage fooled you. Your friends fooled you. Everyone made fun of your feelings by making you believe that your greatest friend is dead." My eyes widen and stare at him.

So it's really Sasuke..?

"Don't listen to him, Naruto!" Shikamaru shouted.

I clenched my fists.

"Why?" The man laugh hysterically. "Can't accept it, kid? You've been fooled! HAHAHAHA!"

"Shut up.."

He continued laughing. "How stupid. The place you considered home let you live with lies."

"I said shut up.."

"It's not a surprise. You don't deserve to be happy, anyway!"


I found myself holding his neck, choking him. I can feel this eerie aura releasing while the kyuubi's chakra envelopes my body.

He struggles in my hold, wincing in pain but I don't feel anything aside from the satisfaction of seeing him whimper in pain.

"I can kill you right here, right this time." I don't recognize my own voice anymore.

No.. I don't mean to say that.

"Y-You're a demon!" He shouted despite of lack in air.

"Die." I said almost sounding like a voice of a demon.

I hold him upper before I forcefully smash him on the ground.


I hold my head with my two hands, clenching it.

I can't control myself anymore. I'm slowly losing my consciousness.

I screamed loudly as my vision starts turning red. It's always like this..


My eyes shot open when I heard that voice.

"Enough... Naruto..." I slowly look at him, feeling the chakra of the kyuubi fading away. I am kneeling right in front of him.

My eyes heat up as I place my hand on the seal on his eyes and slowly remove it.

I stare at him wide-eye. I feel like I stopped breathing and it hurts my chest so much.

He slowly opened his eyes, staring at me.

"S-Sa... S-Sasuke..." My voice broke with the mention of his name.

He looked at me deeply with a hint of sadness and pain.

What the fuck is this...


My trembling hands move to touch his face.

"NARUTO!!!" My hands stopped midway of reaching his face.

I witness how his eyes widen as his sharingan activated.

My chest..

It burns.

It's painful.

I stared down at my chest seeing a sword covered in lighting struck on it.

"N-Naruto." Sasuke called but I can't move.

My body's starting to feel numb.


Am I going to die for real?

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