Chapter 4: Changes and Jealousy

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"I wonder if Sasuke sees it right now."

"Naruto he's d--"

"I know."

Sai immediately regretted saying that after seeing how Naruto's eyes sank deeper.

"I didn't mean to.." he apologizes.

"It's fine, Sai. You're just telling the truth." Naruto smile sadly. "I keep on saying that I won't give up on him and that grow very strong for the past years. Now that he's gone, the weight of those words remains on my back. With every reasons I can't still rid of this feeling; wanting to bring him back."

After hearing those words, someone hiding in the shadows can't help but to resist himself from jumping right on Naruto's front.

"Do you love him?" Sai asked making Naruto shocked.


Sai come closer to Naruto until their shoulders are touching. The latter look at him making their faces closer.

"S-Sai, what are you doing?"

Sai didn't answer and put his face an inch closer to Naruto. He look at his lips while getting closer to him. Just when their lips are about to connect, a flying kunai separated them. They immediately stood and put their kunais out.

Sasuke stood in a tree trunk with his eyes flashing in bright color red. Though it cannot be seen due to his ANBU mask.

"You piece of shit.." he angrily said in his mind.

"So much for being around him all the time and now you're trying to kiss him? You got some balls on you, dumbass." Sasuke stared at Sai angrily.

"An enemy?" Naruto asked.

"I'll go check, Naruto." Sai said leaving their place.

He stopped right beside Sasuke and meanwhile let out a quiet laugh.

"I can feel your bloodlust over here, Sasuke."

"What right do you think you have to kiss him?" Sasuke glared at him and Sai absolutely know that he's sending daggers through his stares.

"I didn't kiss him, you're too much." Sai laugh again making Sasuke even more pissed.

"You asshole.."

"Now, now. Don't be too mad. Go to him, thank me later."

"I didn't asked for this." Sasuke said.

"No one asked. But everyone is too worried about him. Atleast do something to make him feel better."

"Are you an idiot? I'm not allowed to go near him let alone talk to him." Sasuke suddenly feel nervous but excited at the same time. It's true that he's saying he can't come near Naruto but at the same time wanting it.

"Who said you need to talk to him? Words are not what Naruto needed right now. You know that very well." After that, Sai left pretending to look for the "enemy".

Sasuke's pulse begin to race and his hand starts to sweat. But who knows when will he get a chance like this again.

Out of the blue, he appeared right in front of Naruto making the latter steps backward.

"W-Who are you?" He asked. "You're a Konoha ANBU, right? Why are you here?"

Sasuke can't say anything or supposedly not to say anything. He steps nearer making Naruto steps back with every steps of Sasuke.

"What are you doing? Speak or I'm going to hurt you."

Naruto keep on stepping back until he bump into a tree making him trapped between Sasuke's arms. He hold his kunai tightly.

"Move or I'll force you to do so."

"Naruto." Sasuke muttered silently. So silent that Naruto thinks he's hearing things. Yet that made Naruto stunned for a moment leaving him off guard.

Sasuke move his mask until his lips are showing and immediately lean down, connecting their lips.

Under the bright light of the moon, the leaves gently sways. Naruto feels something inside him melt as electricity run downs on his stomach sending butterflies on it.

For the mean time, the two felt so much relief and peace inside of them. As if all their sadness vanish replacing it with happiness.

"What am I doing .." Sasuke asked himself.

"This feels so warm.. it was as if.. I am kissing Sasuke." Naruto thought.

Sasuke pulled away, placing his mask back. Naruto is staring at him as if memorizing every detail.

"Sasuke." Naruto called.

Sasuke began to slightly panic.

"Did he found me out?" He thought.

"W-What am I saying.." Naruto seems to wake up from that feeling. "I-I'm sorry.. I-I.."

He is lost of words but it made Sasuke calmed down.

"I'm safe."

Naruto suddenly glared at him. "You idiot! Why did you kissed me?!"

He was about to pull Sasuke's collar when the latter jump away and vanish in the shadow.

"Teme! I'll make you pay for this! I'm gonna tell Sasuke about this!"

"Geez, he's really stupid." Sasuke chuckled and smiled.

After what happened, both of them admitted that with that kiss, a massive amount of peace appears inside of their hearts.

It was love, afterall.

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