"It's Jaylen." He said, and my voice and body language soffend in a click of a finger.

I didn't know why he was calling, but it wasn't a usual occurrence. He has never done this before, so It probably meant he really needed someone to talk to.

Maybe, he finally came to his senses and...

"No" I thought to myself as I brushed off the thought, not wanting to create any bit of false hope. I went back to my stern and serious body language. I didn't want to look or sound vulnerable infront of Jaylen.

"Jaylen?" I asked, "If this is about seeing D'andre again, I'm not making any negotiations. It's final. You know the drill. Now stop wasting my time. I'm a very busy man." I said, throwing all that onto him.

"Good b-"

"Travis. Please just listen to me." He interjected, before I could say goodbye.

"I'm dropping the call." I said ignorantly. Not wantingto hear anything more, but before I could actually put my phone away, he admitted...

"Travis." He said, sounding desperate and hurt. Just hearing him say my name like that made things even worse on my part. I felt bad in a way. "Travis I really need you to listen to me." His voice slightly breaking. And from that moment on, he had me.

If theres one thing I feared... it's this, I feared that I'd become vulnerable and humiliate myself again by falling for him harder than I already have. I want to be in control, I want to be dominant. I can't allow him to do this to me. I can't allow Jaylen to make me go weak when I'm in his presence. He always does that, and I try my best to hide it.

But I can't help it. That's the affect he has on me.

"Okay, just give me one second, so I can get seated." I said as I got comfortable on my office chair.

"What can I help you with. What do you need." I asked.

"Can we just... talk." He said, "talk about us, and all this unnecessary tension. I hate how things have gotten and I'm tiered of all this pain and pressure. I want us to try and fix things." and added. I went into deep thought after what he said.

"Hello, Travis. Are you there?" He asked, I didn't even realise that I went quiet.

"Yeah yeah, I'm still here. Do you wanna meet up somewhere and talk?" I asked.

"I don't think I'd feel comfortable meeting up here by my home, maybe we could try a park or something." He suggested, but I had a better idea.

"Let's meet up over by my house. I'll have someone come over and pick you up." I said. "He'll be there in 15 minutes"

"Okay." He breathed. "Thank you for listening and I'm sorry if I interrupted anything important."

"No dont worry about it. Anything for you." I voiced. "Okay then, we will talk. See you later." "Bye"

"Bye, Travis"




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