Chapter 24 - Friendship Fading

Start from the beginning

“Okay,” I smiled, “She thinks Brittany and I are having a falling out.”


I shrugged, “She suspects something. You and I obviously notice we’re acting differently, but I guess other people are noticing too. Mom became alarmed because Brittany hasn’t been over as much as she usually is and I haven’t gone over there as much as I usually do. Growing up we were inseparable and now I’m scared to be around her.”

Carter sighed, “We have to come up with a cover story.”

“I thought we already did that.”

“No I mean for ourselves.”

“What do you mean?”

“Lily if you can barely look at Brittany now we need to figure something out so we don’t become suspicious. We at least need to figure out a good reason to tell people when they notice the falling out.”

“Can’t I just tell her that I’m trying to figure things out? That’s partly what mom told me when she talked to me about it.”

“What did your mom say specifically?”

“Mom noticed a difference between you coming to town and my fall out with Brittany. She thinks Brittany’s jealous because I found you. I’m figuring out my life and she hasn’t figured hers out yet.”

“What if we stuck with that?” he asked. “It’ll be close enough to the truth.”

I nodded, “I’m okay with that. I won’t have to fake too much for that. At least it’s close to the truth. My things are packed so we can go now.”

            Ironically enough Brittany walked out of her house as we walked out of mine. She smiled and approached us. “Hey guys, what are you doing?” she asked us.

“I’m staying at Carter’s,” I explained, “Getting the house ready for the big move.”

“They’re coming tomorrow right?” she asked.

Carter nodded, “They’re excited about it too.”

“That’s good,” she nodded, “I feel like I haven’t seen you a lot lately Lil.”

“Yeah sorry,” I faked a smile, “I’ve just been really busy.”

“It’s cool, I understand. You going to the club anytime soon? I’m gonna hang out there tonight and get some pizza while Mike works.”

I shook my head, “Nah, not tonight. We still have a lot to do. I’ll see you tomorrow though.”

“Sure,” she waved, “Bye.”


I didn’t say anything until Carter and I were a safe distance away from Brittany, “I don’t think our cover story is a cover story anymore, I think it’s the truth.”

“I think you’re right,” he admitted, “And I think she can feel it too.”

I nodded, “She can but I have to let it happen at least until I can figure some of this out. Everything is still uncertain. Until we’re sure I have to keep my distance.”

He put his arm around me, “Let’s visit Rolla tonight and talk to her.”

I nodded, “She’ll probably have advice for us.”

            I put my stuff on Carter’s bed when he arrived at his house and we snuck to the secret passageways to pay a visit to Rolla and Pilote. We found them in the library in the chosen ones’ house.

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