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'Then watch something else

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'Then watch something else...' She said. 'I'll choose.'

'Okay, whatever.' Eunji rolled her eyes.

Yuki started searching for good Netflix series, while Eunji unlocked her phone.

[Na Jaemin😠]

hey bby


oh wow
u not angry?

u want me to be angry?

n e ways
find me a gf

i ain't doin it for u
find her urself

come on
u promised me

oh no
y did i do that

i hate u

im thankful

n e ways
Do u have a name, or can I just call you ‘mine?’

u suck at flirting.
u kno that rite?

u know, I’m actually terrible at flirting. How about u try to pick me up instead?

did u just-

ask u to flirt w me?
yep i did

Eunji smiled looking at her phone screen, completely ignoring Yuki who was peeking into her phone.

'You guys are seriously whipped for each other.' Yuki said.

'Yah! Why are you reading my chats?' Eunji hid her phone.

'You guys are dating...am I right?' Yuki smirked.

'What? Ew, no.' Eunji said, disgusted.

'But you would?' Yuki said.

'No.' Eunji glared at her.

'I'm just guessing.' Yuki smiled. 'Anyways, Jeno took me on an ice cream date.'

'Dude, you both just started talking two days ago.' Eunji looked at her in disbelief.

'I know, but we instantly clicked.' Yuki said, excitedly.

'Wow, tell me in detail.'


'Eunji!' A deep voice called out from the living room, and Eunji and Yuki looked up from the computer screen.

'Yeah? What is it, Jaehyun?' She asked loudly.

'Come down for a sec.' He yelled.

Eunji rolled her eyes and left the room, with Yuki following her.

'What?' She asked.

'Hey, Jaehyun.' Yuki waved her hand.

'Hi, Yuki.' Jaehyun waved back.

'What is it?' Eunji asked.

'Who is the little birdie named Jaemin?' Jaehyun asked.

'What?' Eunji asked, her eyes widening at the mention of his name.

'Taeyong told me that the guy has a crush on you.' Jaehyun smirked.

'What? No.' Eunji made a disgusted face. 'Taeyong doesn't even know that we fight all the time.'

'Oh, so you are saying that using pick up lines is called fighting?' He snickered.

The doorbell rang and Yuki ran to open it.

The door opened revealing Jaemin, Minsung and Dawon.

'Oh, hey hyung!' Dawon smiled.

'Hey, Dawon. Hey, Minsung. And you are?' Jaehyun looked at Jaemin.

'Jaemin.' Jaemin smiled.

'Oh, ho ho. Jaemin, huh?' Jaehyun looked at Eunji who rolled her eyes.

'I...uh, bought nutella for you.' Jaemin said. 'You said that your two jars finished...' He handed her the packet in his hands.

'Oh, thanks.' Eunji smiled.

'Eunji has told me so many things about you...it's a real pleasure to meet you, Jaemin.' Jaehyun said, and Eunji looked at him with a confused face.

'I mean...yeah, she's my girlfriend...so, obviously she'll talk about me.' He smiled innocently.

'Oh, you both are dating?' Yuki asked.

'No, he's lying.' Eunji said.

'Jaemin, as her brother, I'd like to know your intentions with her.' Jaehyun said.

' Jaehyun said

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