Attack on Atteraxia

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The news of the Tidesinger and the late Thalleous Sendaris' return had sparked mayhem in Atteraxia. After Ria was told, Hubris had listened in and told the Masters. whenever the 2 walked past a group of Ardoni, they would stare and whisper among themselves. It was weird enough for the two, but they ignored it.

Senn and RIa huddled together in a cave, talking to each other.

"i lost Osivian in Etheria, and i thought that you also died," Ria said.

"I thought the same," Senn replied.

Thalleous was help Galleous in the Blacksmith, so Senn was off. 

"Maybe we can learn about our Songs," Senn said, pulling out his.

"I learnt mine before the Voltaris came. It allows me to run really fast, faster enough that i can run across water," Ria said.

Senn looked at his Song. How was it that Ria learnt her's before he learnt his? He put his Song away. It was a problem for another day.

At that moment, Achillean walked into the cave, with some on lookers behind a rock nearby.

"I understand that you wish to learn your Song, Senn," Achillean said.

Senn and Ria looked at each other and back at him.

"I was passing by and overheard you. I may have someone who can teach you," he went on.

Senn brightened up. He was finally going to learn his Song!

A female Mendoris walked in behind Achillean. She looked no younger than Senn or Ria, her stripes a light purple, like a lavender.

"This is Val. She teaches others to use and wield their Songs. She will be your teacher," Thalleous introduced the Mendoris. 

"Hello, Senn. I hope my teachings will help you," Val said.

"What's your Song?" Senn asked.

"It allows me to fly, much like a large humanoid bird," Val answered. She bent over and with a soft hum and flourish, 2 very large golden wings sprouted from her back. Senn and Ria jumped back in shock. Val smiled and her wings folded into her back. 

"May I have you Song, Senn?" she asked, holding out her hand.

Senn placed his song in her hand and waited. After a few minutes, Val handed it back.

"This Song allows you to project a shield around you. It will prevent most attacks, but not all. Don't let the Song control you," she said.

Senn nodded. He didn't want to end up like the Deathsinger. 

"Come on, training begins now," Val said and she ran out of the cave.

Senn looked at Ria and she nodded. He rose and ran out after Val.





It was sunset when they had finished training. Val had shown the power of her Song by flying from 1 floating island to another. He didn't learn about his Song, as they had to train his Endurance, as it was a key factor in wielding a Song.

"Tomorrow, we will bond you with your Song," Val said to a very puffed out Senn.

Turning around, she unraveled her wings and flew off. Senn watched her go, then turned around and went back to the Blacksmith. Thalleous, Galleous and Achilean were nowhere to be seen, so he went to find Ria. She was in the basement of the Blacksmith shop, enchanting her Spear. It was repaired the day she came to Atteraxia, so it was brand new.

Songs of War Season 2: Blast from the PastWhere stories live. Discover now