The Necrolord

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The Necrolord stared at the Feliner female. She stared right back. The Undead made no move against her. the other Necromancers were killing the people in the village with their squads of Undead. Their cries rose into the sky like the fire burning the village. 

Nika watched the unmoving Necromancer. His Wither Staff glowed with power. His red eyes never left her face. His squad of undead stood still, the only noise from them were some moans and growls. they were hungry. and they wanted to eat her. 

The Necrolord finally moved. He shifted his Staff hand and directed a red blast at Nika. She jumped over the blast and drew her two katanas. The Undead finally started to move. they started moving towards her, one by one. She was a blur. she disembodied head after head, their bodies collapsing in her flurry. The last zombie was killed with a swift swipe. The Necrolord's red eyes looked at the bodies surrounding Nika.

"You weren't quite what i expected," he croaked. "You will be useful in our ranks."

"Why would you want me?" Nika asked. She had her katanas up, not daring to let her guard down

"Just as leverage," He simply said, and tossed a wither skull at her. It exploded with black smoke when it made contact with Nikka. She coughed and gagged, her strength leaving her. she fell to her knees, trying to remain on her feet.

"Please, my dear, just relax, and look into my eyes," the Necrolord said as he made his way to her. 

She felt strange, like an unknotting sensation was spreading through her body, like alcohol. She saw a pair of red eyes looking into hers, and the noise went away. she tried to break the stare but she couldn't. those eyes consumed her and her world was nothing but red and white...




Lucan and Kiyoshi looked at the carnage, taking in what had happened. How did the Necromancers know that they were going to attack? the cries of the dying residents were heard over the growls of the undead and the roar of the flames. Alec walked up beside them, looking at the burning town.

"What happened, Captain?" the young soldier asked.

"The Necromancers attacked behind our back, that's what happened," Kiyoshi said.

"Where's Nikka?" Lucan asked. "We need to find her,"

"Why would we go looking for her?"

"Because the Necromancers wanted her,"

Kiyoshi turned to face Lucan.

"You never told me this, so why now?"

"i don't know why they want her, a Necromancer said so. maybe they want her dead, or worse," Lucan said.

Kiyoshi nodded. "then we'll go look for her. Alec, send a squad to the opposite side at look there. Lucan and i will search this side. get survivors as well."

Alec nodded and a team followed him into the fire. Lucan and Kiyoshi began to look in the foliage around them. Kiyoshi saw several dead Feliners, killed by undead. Lucan found one of Nikka's katanas.

"Kiyoshi! i found one of Nikka's weapons!" Lucan called out.

Kiyoshi nodded. it meant she wasn't too far off. But something didn't feel right to him. his ears pricked up to hear something, but he heard nothing. the smell was ungoggling: like pure concentrated evil. like something was dead....

then, out of nowhere, Nikka crashed out of the fire, swinging her remaining weapon at Kiyoshi. He ducked and swerved from her attacks. Lucan heard the commotion and ran over to help.

"Nikka, stop! He isn't a bad guy!" Lucan shouted. but this seemed to fuel her attacks. she swung harder, faster, and with more ferocity. Lucan ducked her attacks and grabbed her arm.

And stopped.

Her eyes didn't look right. they were to big, despite the large amount of light, and they were filled to the brim with hatred. She kicked at his leg and hit him away. Lucan crashed into Kiyoshi and both fell to the ground.

Rustling in the bushed alerted them, and the Necrolord stepped out with 2 other necromancers and asquad of undead...

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