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"I knew the power of a single wish, after all

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"I knew the power of a single wish, after all. Invisible and inevitable, like a butterfly that beats its wings in one corner of the globe and with that single action changes the weather halfway across the world."



For some reason, I had a feeling that today was going to change my life for good. I didn't know how or why at the time, but I just knew something would happen the moment I woke up to my phone buzzing beside me.

I looked at the caller ID and realized it was Yuna. My best friend, but also my colleague at work. She was a few years younger than me and extremely hyper most of the time, but she was always enjoyable to be around. She made me forget about my own problems half the time which I was extremely thankful for.

I grabbed the cell phone that was on my bedside table, pressed answer and put the device to my ear.

"Yuna? Why are you calling me so early in the morning?" I asked as I stretched before getting out of bed.

"Sunbae, don't be mad at me, but Professor Kang wants to see you right away." She replied. You could tell she was nervous.

"Wait, what? Why so sudden?"

"That's the thing... I was supposed to tell you this yesterday but I, uh, I forgot." She said quietly, probably hoping I didn't hear the last part.

"I'm sorry, Yuna... I must have misheard. I thought you just said you forgot to tell me yesterday that Professor Kang asked to see me?" I sighed loudly, rummaging through my closet to find something to wear.

"Nope, you heard right."

"How could you forget to tell me something like this?!"

"Sunbae, I'm sorry, okay?! I had a lot on my mind yesterday!" She pleaded, her tone spiking.

"You owe me lunch for your incompetence. Understand?" I told her as I slipped on a crewneck and some jeans.

You could hear the smile in her voice when she replied, "Yes sir! See you when you get here, sunbae!" The line went dead.

I rolled my eyes as I slipped on a pair of comfortable shoes, fixed my hair a bit in the mirror, brushed my teeth and grabbed my keys before heading out into the crisp Autumn air.

I stopped, realized it was a bit cold outside before I went back into the house to grab a jacket. I locked the door on my way out and made my way to my Honda Civic.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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