
Bắt đầu từ đầu

The female nodded her head, not removing herself from her boyfriend's lap and stated quietly, " I think you've done enough, you should just take it, Legoshi. "

He removed the grip trainers from his hands, reaching for his shirt which his girlfriend had to pull away slightly to give him space to change when he threw it on, " Hm, well I don't know if I deserve this much money, I don't even know what I'd spend it on. " He admitted before feeling a kiss onto his cheek.

His eyes wandered to his girlfriend pointing to herself, hint;
spend it on her.

Gouhin watched his daughter and her boyfriend chatting quietly to each other, then his lips curved once he heard her genuinely laugh which expressed that he made her happy. But he held only one thought about him;

Despite how humble he's being, he couldn't deny how much easier he was making the panda's job. He knew he was training but he knew his fighting technique was quite bizarre, he moved like a talented fighter. Not even that but providing happiness to his daughter.

" Say, Legoshi... What is your family structure? " Gouhin interrogated from his seat.

Legoshi removed his attention from his girlfriend who sat on his lap,

" .... Fa.......... "

He couldn't even pronounce the word as he got caught being dumbfounded on the way. (Y/n) found a rubber ball and threw it aiming at the panda's head as he sweatdropped as he watched the poor wolf,

slowly step away from life.

' Did I hit a landmine? '

Gouhin frantically thought, worrying about the boy and he shook his head with a sweatdropped, " Oh, wait. I was just curious, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to! "

He pushed himself from the seat, heading to the counter, " Do you want some bamboo tea? We're done training for the day. "

" When I was 12, my mom passed away and my dad ran away. "

(Y/n) felt his chest begin to pound intensely which alarmed her, Legoshi tightened his grip on his girlfriend while he looked on the ground as if there were something interesting. A frown hung from his girlfriend and her father's lips as they listened.

" I was raised by my grandpa, just us alone. "

Legoshi held a stern expression across his face, visibly upset and he sighed abruptly, " But really, I don't have any fond memories with him. " He told the father-daughter duo feeling his girlfriend peck his jaw.

His dark orbs fell into her own (eye color) hues, " It's okay. "

Legoshi's ears drooped with reassurance, pushing his lips onto her head forgetting that her father was in the room. He cleared his throat, picking up the cash in his large hands,

" Are you sure I can take this? "

" Sure, do whatever you want with it. "

The male canine glanced at (Y/n) who removed herself off his lap, retrieving his hoodie and another hoodie that she stole from him then passed him his jacket, " It's cold. "

He nodded his head as a thanks then placed it on, reaching for his backpack that was on the floor. His body leaned forward, bowing before the panda, " Thank you very much. "

𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 - legoshi.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ