Spooky Dumbass

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"Aren't you excited for Halloween!?" I asked the Bakusquad eagerly, as we chilled in the common room of the dorms on a Friday night.
"Hell yeah!" All except Bakugo replied.
"It's for little kids, of course not." Bakugo scowled.
"Aw, does little Bakugo get scared?" I laughed.
"Um, (y/n). Might wanna run." Kirishima told me as he held back Bakugo with his quirk, who was setting explosions off in his palms.
"Nah, I'll be fine. I can't die anyways."
"But if you die you'll miss Halloween!" Kaminari pointed out.
"Shit, yeah. Bye then!" I sprinted away with a grin on my face as Bakugo broke free and chased after me.

After Bakugo kicked my ass, I went back to the group and sat next to Kaminari on the couch.
"(Y/n), we should totally throw a Halloween party!" Mina told me excitedly.
"A party, ehhhhhhhhh..." Parties aren't the greatest thing.
"You can scare everyone."
"This will be the best party ever!"

"Wait, what are we planning?" Kaminari asked after coming back into reality.
"A Halloween party. Wanna help?" I asked.
"Sure, I guess. Who's going?" He asked.
"Class 1a and a bunch of dead people." I replied with a straight face.
"Pffft, how can you say that with a straight face!?" Mina laughed and pointed at me.
"Straight? What's that? I only know bisexual." I joked.
"Same though." Jirou, who happened to walk past, said. I high fived her.

"Okay, so back to the topic... You're bringing dead people to the party!?" Mina asked.
"Yes, they can sing. Like a concert. We can get some famous dead people, plus... what else would my quirk be for?" I replied. Mina face palmed.
"Maybe I dunno... HERO WORK!?" Kaminari broke into laughter.
"I honestly can't take you three seriously." Sero told us.
"You're one to speak, soy sauce." Bakugo said as he walked towards us with Kirishima, sitting on the other couch.
"Hey, I'm not the one bringing dead people to the party!" Sero argued.
"Um, excuse me, but I'm bringing great people to the party." I put up the 'okay sign' with my fingers.
"Yeah, she'll bring Michel Jackson so he can go HEE HEE!" Kaminari shouted.
"You two are dumbasses." Bakugo told us.
"Correction, we are spooky dumbasses." I said and laughed.


"So wait, you're literally gonna get dead famous singers to come sing at this party?" Jirou asked me, as I invited her to the party.
"Yes, you can even request people." I explained.
"Okay, cool. I'll go. If you need any instruments I've got tons."
"Really? Alright, if I need any, I'll go to you."

After inviting the class, I went back to the common room where the Bakusquad was still planning.
"Oh, hey (y/n). Wanna come with me and get some snacks and stuff for the party?" Kaminari asked me.
"Sure. What about the others?" I asked.
"Mina and Sero are printing out signs and stuff to put up, and Bakugo and Kirishima are going to convince Aizawa to let us do this."
"Oh, alright. I'll get my money and stuff then I'll meet you back down here."


"So, what kind of snacks are we getting?" I asked Kaminari as we walked to the nearby corner store.
"I dunno. Whatever you like." He replied.
"How about, (favorite snack)?" I suggested.
"Mmmm, good choice,"

Once we had our snacks, we went to the cheap party stuff isle, and picked out some Halloween themed balloons.
"Hey Kami, look." I grabbed a pair of fake glasses with a nose and mustache, then put it on. Kaminari laughed. I put them back and we walked up to the front to pay.

"2000 yen please." The guy at the till told us.
"Uh, I have 1000." I told Kaminari.
"Crap, I only have 500." He told me. We stood in awkward silence as I grabbed my phone. I tried to call Mina, but she didn't pick up. I then called Kirishima, he picked up.

"Uh Hey, what's up (y/n)?" He answered.
"Um, Kami and I are short about 500 yen, can someone come bring some more money?" I asked him awkwardly. I heard Bakugo snicker and say "Dumbass" in the background.
"Yeah, I'll come bring some money."
"Thanks." I hung up and continued to stand in silence.
"So... How's your day been?" Kaminari asked the exhausted teen at the register.
"Don't patronize me sir." He replied with a sigh.


"You stupid idiots not know how to count money or something?" Bakugo shouted as he slammed 500 yen onto the counter. Kirishima closely trailed behind and apologized for his rudeness. The guy at the till handed us our bag and our receipt.

This Halloween party was going to be interesting.

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