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january 11th
maison's pov

"ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ!" ᴀᴜsᴛɪɴ screeches as i step into my kitchen. i jump, startled by his volume. he tackles me back into the couch where we narrowly avoided hitting my dad who was eating string cheese.

"get off of me!" i whine, trying to push on his chest. he pins me to the couch, laughing like an absolute maniac. "dad help."

dad hands his cheese to james, who starts eating it after wishing me happy birthday. dad hooks his arms under austin's stomach and pulls him upwards before depositing him on the floor by madelyn's feet. i scramble up from the couch before anyone else can jump on me, wrapping my arms around dad's neck. he'd at least pick me up and put me out of harms way.

"happy birthday!" dad cheers.

"thank you." i reply, squeezing him.

bellamy and zeppelin actually do try to tackle me down again but dad does just as i thought. his arms wrap around my back and he lifts me up. i curl my legs upwards and he carries me over to the kitchen where mum is making pancakes. he sets me down and kisses the crown of my head as well as mum's cheek before heading back to where my brothers have started a wrestling match on my living room floor.

"happy birthday may." mum says, shoving a plate into my hands. there's a heart pancake on it and in chocolate syrup it says 'jd is the best.' i giggle and take a seat between madison and rudy at the counter.

i had a feeling today would be crazy.

for my birthday, all i'd requested was a beach day, and we'd done exactly that. and this is by far, the best birthday i've had to date.

my friends and family were scattered along the beach and in the ocean, all having a blast doing their own things.

i, however, had found pure entertainment in watching my brothers beat up the other boys and vice versa instead of it being me for once. they'd been playing king of the hill for a few minutes and so far no one has been able to beat rudy.

mads had to flip me off my surf board more than once when she caught me staring at him. he truly hit different in the scorching sun and crystal blue australian water.

i read over rudy's text about thirty times. it was simple yet it made my heart race.

come to our room it read. our room. our. our. our.

he's going to kill me. i'm literally going to die because he's too cute.

blinking rapidly, i shake some not-so-pure thoughts from my head, excusing myself. everyone was currently lounging around in my backyard, some playing with the dogs or each other, others relaxing and listening to the lo-fi playlist of songs all purely produced by me.

i ran up the stairs but slowed as i reached my bedroom door. it was closed, and the lights were off, but rudy was definitely in there. i could hear him shuffling around.

"ru?" i question softly, pushing the door open with one finger. i'm afraid he'll jump out at me. instead i'm met with a giggle and the lights switched on. my eyes landed on a cat who was certainly not anakin, sitting in a box on my bed. he or she looked majorly confused. almost more than me.

rudy's arms wrapped around my waist and he leaned close in order to pepper kisses on my cheek, getting dangerously close to my mouth.

"wha-what is this?" i stutter, finally looking around my room. anakin was laying atop my dresser where a pile of my favorite snacks were haphazardly spread around. a bunch of other birthday gifts i'd received earlier were cluttered in front of my closet where a new guitar shone brightly in the lighting of my room.

"happy birthday." rudy murmurs. he leant in to give me another kiss but i turned my head at the last second. i hummed against his lips happily, eyes fluttering shut as he kissed me again and again.

as it began to get more passionate rudy pulls from me suddenly, making my stomach drop. had i done something wrong?

he rests his forehead against mine, golden curls tickling my skin. "will you be my girlfriend?"

my eyes widen in shock. "i-wha-yeah!"

rudy laughs joyously but i cut him off, grabbing a fistful of his shirt in each hand, dragging him down to me. our lips meet again, softly, yet lovingly. as we separate again i tear away from him, making him whine and desperately reach for me. he follows me all the way to my bed, arms chasing me until they'd found my waist once again.

"what's their name?" i ask, extending my hand towards the purely white cat on my bed. anakin had now wandered over and was making himself at home against the new kitty. she must've been what axl and mum were sneaking into the house a few weeks ago, otherwise anakin wouldn't have been being this nice and cuddly towards her. that also meant rudy planned this weeks ahead.

my stomach fluttered.

"she doesn't have one." rudy answers. "but i think ahsoka would do pretty nicely."

anakin's ears flicked as if he agreed.

i picked my new baby up, awing as she bumped her head softly against my chin. she seemed older, which meant somebody had adopted her for me.

"hi baby." i coo, scratching her chin. ahsoka began to purr, pressing her paws against my chest. anakin meowed and jumped up into my arms as well. i don't know why but i began to cry. two precious babies and a boy that treated me better than i deserved? how did i ever get this lucky?

"why are you crying?" rudy laughs, releasing me to sit in front of me on the mattress. he reaches up to wipe my tears and i collapse in his lap.

"you're too good to me." i cry.

rudy scoffs. "baby, you deserve everything. if anything i'm not good enough." his thumbs massage my cheeks a little as my lips tremble.

"hey." a deep voice chides. both of our heads snap towards the door in fear. my dad stands in the doorway, not even an ounce of anger etched into his features. "in the two days i've known you, you've treated my daughter better than any boyfriend she's ever had before."

rudy frowns. "you've had boyfriend's before me?"

"seriously?" i retort. his eyes darken and my comeback gets caught in my throat. "yes." i answer simply. only one. his name was johnny. sweet boy but wrong person, right time.

"anyways." dad continues. "i support you two. and you haven't exactly been sneaky either. you," he says, pointing at rudy, "never stop staring. and you," he now gestures to me, "didn't exactly choose the best three people to tell. they're all loud."

i groan and let my head fall onto rudy's shoulder as they both laugh at me.

we stay upstairs a few minutes longer, surprisingly not sitting through a "hurt her and i'll kill you speech" but a "if you don't marry him i'll be upset" speech. and when we'd gotten downstairs, anakin and ahsoka in tow, austin immediately pounced on us, demanding to know what i had said.

my brothers were all smirking at me despite me shushing austin. apparently rudy and i are awful at pretending we don't like each other. the twins claimed they'd known since they visited south carolina, bellamy said he knew when he saw us curled up on the couch last night, and mack stated he'd known the second rudy said he bought me a cat, which was weeks ago according to mum.

i went to bed that night with burning cheeks, either from blushing or sunburn i couldn't tell, and in a tangle of sheets amongst swollen lips and quiet giggles.

. . .
it is currently 4:35 am, i haven't slept, i've been playing minecraft all day, and now i'm gonna watch frozen 2 🤠

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