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april 23rd


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mum can i call u

what's wrong?

i think i'm having a panic attack

[accept / decline ]
A - Alice
M - Maison

A (instantly) do you remember the first time you ever heard your father call me by my first name? i do. you were only four, and definitely more confused than i was. you sat in your high chair, bell on your left, mack to your right, and you were a complete mess. the boys started a food fight over you and poor little macie had no idea what was going on (laughing). you were covered head to toe in crushed hot chips, dinosaur shaped chicken nugget bits, and probably half the bottle of tomato sauce.

M (choking with sobs)

A (worriedly) macie can you breathe with me? i'm not leaving until you're breathing with me. ready? in one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. hold it, hold it. and out one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. and. . .(repeating).

M (crying) i'm sorry.

A you did so well mac!

M (heavily crying)

A you're handling your attack so well macie. you're so strong, my sweet girl!

M [minutes later] (sniffling) i'm okay.

A ✢ that's good. you're still here and i'm here with you.

M (softly) i know. thank you.

A (warm tone) you're welcome. do you want to talk about it?

M (sniffling) it's been years since i've been introduced to a whole new cast. these past several i've had you, or uncle chris, or uncle tom. i forgot how nerve wracking it is to meet people you'll be working with for months. i'm scared that they'll only recognize me as tyler and alice cooper's daughter, or chris hemsworth's niece, or james cooper's sister, and not for my talent. and i'm terrified that if i mess up, there'll only be austin to fall back on but these are his cast mates and i can't screw that up for hi-

A (abruptly) maison clover you are not defined by your family, you are defined by you. if that's how the cast and crew choose to view you, then you work ten times harder to prove that your name is not known for being someone's someone-or-other, but for being you. for your good nature, your heart, your mind, and your talent. you are good at your job and you know that. music is your life. you love what you do and you live for what you do. do not let people you haven't met scare you away from a job you deserve to have.

M (crying) i love you.

A ✢ i love you more. now get off your arse and go make some new friends.

M (laughing through tears) yes ma'am.

A ✢ call me if you need me.

M ✢ promise. i love you.

A ✢ i love you more.


. . .
i wish i could vent to my mom like this. she turns everything into a lecture about how i can "fix" things about myself.
  but to anyone struggling with anxiety, you are not alone. i promise you.

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