12 💕

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Heather and I ended up turning away from each other, once we got to my room, so we could give each other a little privacy while we got ready. 

I was so glad that I had chosen to wear the red evening gown because when I looked into the mirror I realised how beautiful I looked. 

Soon after that, I decided that it was about time for me to curl my hair for the dance, but I ended up turning around a little early and caught sight of Heather in a gorgeous lavender coloured gown. 

She turned slightly, so her bright blue eyes focused on mine. A small smile soon appeared at her lips.

I felt tempted to turn around again, as I felt a slight blush threatening to appear on my cheeks, but it soon passed when Heather spoke again. 

"Could you help me zip up the back of my dress?" she asked me. 

"Uh, sure. Sure," I said, as I walked over to her and began to zip it up for her. 

Heather remained incredibly still as I moved the zip up her back to secure her dress on her perfectly slender figure. She honestly could have been a model. I wondered if she was a model. 

"Thank you," Heather said, as she turned back to me. 

The warm pink light of the sunset illuminated my room and somehow made Heather look even more beautiful than usual. It had to be some kind of witchcraft, at this point, honestly. How was it possible that she could have so many people under her spell? 

"I was curious about something," Heather told me. 

I raised an eyebrow at her in my state of intrigue. 

"Yeah?" I asked her. 

"I was wondering about how you felt about me, when you first met me, I mean. Did you like me?" she asked me. 

"Honestly?" I replied. 

Heather simply nodded her head in response. 

"In all honesty, I was a little jealous of you," I said. 

Heather released a soft laugh at that, as though the idea of someone being jealous of her was funny. It wasn't funny, though. It was simply an objective truth. 

"You were jealous of me?" she asked me. 

I nodded. 

"Why? Does that confuse you?" I asked. 

"Well, a little. When I met you...I actually was jealous of you," she told me, as her eyes glanced over my face for a moment and a small smile crept upon her lips. 

"You were jealous of me?" I asked her. I felt as though this was ridiculous.

"I was," she said. 

"Why?" I replied, as I felt my heart pound in my chest. How was this even happening? 

"I mean...look at you," Heather whispered, as her eyes glanced a little lower from my eyes momentarily, before she locked eyes with me again. 

I twirled some hair around my finger. 

"I wouldn't know about that," I said. 

"You're really something, Zoe. You simply need to believe in that for yourself," she told me, "Now, come on, I'll do your makeup." 

I felt a natural smile form on my face, then, as the two of us went to sit upon my bed and Heather took out the makeup palettes that she had brought in her backpack.  

"You're naturally pretty, so I'll add a little makeup to you," she said. 

"Do you really think so?" I asked her, as she began to apply lip-gloss to my lips. 

"I do. I care about my friends, Zoe. It's important to me that you believe in yourself just as much as I believe in you," Heather said. 

I couldn't help but feel heart-warmed at her kind words. It was no wonder that so many people adored her. I guessed that my entire friendship with Heather proved the phrase that you truly couldn't judge a book by its cover. She was such a kind person and creative too. 

"So, Heather Violets, let me get this straight," I said. 

Heather's lips twitched up, then, as though she was amused by something. 

"Go ahead. Close your eyes, by the way," she said. 

I did as she asked, as she began to apply some light eye-shadow to my eyes. 

"You can sing and you're good at music and you're incredibly kind and intelligent. Is there anything that you can't do?" I asked her. 

"I...actually, yes," she said, "I can't tell anyone though or it would ruin my life forever." 

"I think you're being a little dramatic," I said to her. 

"Yes, well...you don't know my dad," she said. 

I felt a little sympathetic for her, then, but before I could even reply to that statement, Heather raised a mirror in front of my face. 

I beamed back at my reflection. Heather had made me look even more beautiful than I had ever thought possible. 

"I'm going to apply my own makeup and then the two of us can get going, alright? We probably don't want to leave Drew waiting for too long," she told me. 

I agreed with that. Drew wanted to get to the fall dance as soon as he could. He had a performance to take part in. 

 As I watched Heather apply her makeup, though, I couldn't help but wonder on what she had said. What had happened between she and her father? If nothing had happened, then why was it that Heather felt as though her life would be ruined forever by whatever it was that she was keeping a secret. 

"Heather," I said, once she had finished her makeup application. 

"Yes, Zoe?" she replied. 

As she turned to me, I felt my breath stop for a moment. She looked incredible. 

"You look beautiful," I said. 

That wasn't exactly what I had in mind to say to her but I didn't want to bring up her father again if doing so was going to stop her from looking as happy as she did in that moment. 

"Thank you, Zoe. So do you, always. Now, let's go out there and smile," she said to me, as a confident expression made its way onto her face. 

The two of us made our way downstairs again and I called out to my family to let them know where I was going. 

Soon after that, the two of us grabbed our coats and made our way out of the house towards Drew's car. 

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