"So what exactly is it that she does?" Kendrick asks

It had been two weeks since Alina, and I's dinner date. If you can even call it that. I haven't seen her in person in what felt like forever.

I called Kendrick, and Jimmy over to the gym to lift weights and help ease my mind about tonight in some way. Plus they'd be accompanying me.

"She's a psychologist."
"Ahhhh, so you can never get one up on her if y'all argue. She'll always know what you're thinking."

Jimmy says tapping his temple.

"No you dumb ass, she diagnoses and helps people get to the root of their problem. Not put them in the sunken place with a tea cup." Kendrick counters, then slaps the back of his head.

"Now why would she put Tyler in the sunken place?...I mean no offense T but..." Jimmy moves over in front Kendrick and I. He holds out his arms extending them towards me. "He's white." Jimmy finishes in a duh tone.

Kendrick and I burst out laughing.
"I mean that is true." I say agreeing.

"Okay whatever. Bottom line she does some shit with the mind." Jimmy says moving over to the bench press machine. I get behind him to spot him.

"So what exactly are we supposed to wear, like is this a casual thing? I'm not tryna out do nobody."

"I know yo grandma couch dressin ass is not talking Kendrick. You not finna out dress nan person in there." Jimmy says re-racking the bar.

"Hol' up. I'm the best dress out of the three of us!"
"Bruh I know you did not just fix yo mouth to lie Like that." Jimmy sits up," Now if I'm being honest. Tyler is the best dressed out of us three. I can't even cap."
"Thank you, I apprec-"
"Don't get too happy na, can't let that get to yo head." Jimmy says cutting me off.

After we continue with our lifting for about another 45 minutes, we get ready to part ways.

"So T, do you think it'll be okay if my girl goes?" Kendrick asks drying his head from the sweat.

"Fasho, I mean she really invited the whole team, but I don't need all them showin up, since she really don't know them all to well. And I don't want paparazzi at her event. This not about us." I unlace my shoe and put it into my duffle.

"Yeah I feel you."
"So how we gone do rides then, since it's downtown? to save gas I vote Kendrick drives."

"Boy just say you scared to drive downtown. Witcho grown ass." I say throwing my towel at Jimmys head.

"Exactly. Ol' big ass scared to drive. And how you gone vote me. My girl barely even like you!"

"Aye Tasha loves me, she just hates the things I do."

I scrunch my face in confusion towards Jimmy.

"Soooooo...Hates you?" I say cocking an eyebrow.

"Whatever, Kendrick; Tyler and I will be at your house at 6. You will prove to us you "dress the best" at that time. My fellow teammates and companions." Jimmy places his hands on both our shoulders. "I bid you farewell."

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