"I didn't even see you come out."
"You wouldn't being glued to your phone and all, I can't breathe A."
"Sorry. I've missed you. Here let me get your bag."

I load her bag into the car. Once I get into the drivers side I take a look at my sister. I always have a habit of staring at her.

"A! Please do not do that staring stuff please, Im begging."
"I'm sorry Tia, but you know I always have to tell you how pretty you are. You just get more and more beautiful every time I see you."

You know those sisters that fight? Y'know the ones who were jealous they wouldn't be the only child anymore so they resent their sister for the first like 5 years?

Not me. I was completely overjoyed that Tia was going to be born. I also always made it a habit to remind her how much she meant to me, and how beautiful she is.

Even from a young age I felt like a psychologist. Instilling in Tia her beauty especially when she was younger, because often times society dismisses young black girls, but I always, every chance I got, and still do have. I remind her.

I mean when you hear something so much, you kind of force yourself to believe it. So I force her to listen to me brag on her beauty, I don't care how annoyed or embarrassed she gets.

"So get me up to speed, how is school, been to any parties? Have you lost the card?" I ask glancing away from the road towards her.

"Now you know I couldn't lose the card even if I wanted too, I can't hide any emotions from mama even if I tried. She'd force it out of me, then have me tell her every detail."

We both laugh at it. Because my mother is very much the type.

"I hear her now. 'You know Tia, something told me, you were gettin into some mess! Couldn't put my finger on it...but I knew'" I say doing an impersonation of my mother. Holding one finger in the air

"Like what is the something mom? Was it my vagina that said 'hey Tia is fuckin that Jones boy?' She swear she a psychic."

The ride back to my house was filled with laughs and reminiscing. Once we finally arrive back I get Tias bags out of the car and lead her into the house.

"Okay so you can either sleep with me, or take the guest room, I don't mind."
"I'll sleep with you."
"Okay cool, well I'm gonna head to the business, just to make sure everything is in order, you're than welcome to come, or chill out, but I should be back in about two hours or so."
"Okay I'll just chill here, I'm gonna shower and nap before the opening."
"Okay, cool I'll be back soon. I also have a couple errands to run after I check on everything."

I leave Tia, locking the door, then unlocking my car. I make my way to the business. Hoping everything is running smoothly. Praying. Because I just need this to go off without a hitch.

I feel like this will set the tone for me moving forward. If this grand opening is good, then this space will treat my clients, and myself well.

 If this grand opening is good, then this space will treat my clients, and myself well

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