Chasing Forth

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Beam POV

“Do I even have to guess this time or should I just assume that something happened yet again?”

Instead of answering, Forth continued watching in his laptop like he didn't hear me. He didn't even glanced at me. If I'm not yet used to his snobbish habits, I'm sure I'll get angry. But this is Forth, when he sulks, he'll ignore you no matter what you do in front of him.

Forth isn’t exactly the easiest person to read. He's the type of person, even if you stare at him for a long time, if he doesn't want to show any emotion, you'll get nothing. Our other friends even say that Forth already killed us a thousand times in his mind and we'll never know about it. That's why we don't exactly know if we should be thankful if he becomes vocal when in the mood. If Forth feels like it, whatever that comes into his mind, even if he knows it will be hurt someone, he'll say it loud and clear.

“I tell the truth. That’s my thing. I may sound like an asshole, I probably am anyway, but I tell the truth, simple as that.” That was Forth's only explanation when someone raised dismay in his demeanor.

But though Forth is like that, you cannot deny that he has a lot of friends or more accurately, a lot are claiming to be his friends. In our circle, he's the one to turn to if you have any problem. His tongue is sharp but you know he'll never leave you behind. He's the type to drop everything he's doing to help you in your time of need.

I remember telling him, "I don't know if you're an angel or a devil." He simply smiled at me and looked away.

“Remember that even Lucifer was once an angel too.” He replied which stumped me if I should take it seriously or not.

In reality, Forth is really talkative. He will never run out of stories to tell. If he starts, you will think that you're listening to a whole book, complete with all the details and his commentaries.

But in all those times he would take the reign and talk, very rarely would he talk about himself. He'll talk about what he's doing or whomever his topic in that conversation but you'll never get information about him except for those generally known. You would know if he is in a good or a bad mood but you will never learn why because he will never tell. If you ask him, he'll probably give you sarcasm or he'll dismiss you by saying he's okay.

An open book with blank pages. That's how our friends describe Forth. And for the longest time that we are friends, I just accept it as is. On my end, if he doesn't want to share then it's fine. I won't force him.

I think it's because we lived together for a year or so under one roof so I got to know him more.

I just graduated from college that time and I decided to try my luck at the capital. Forth went ahead to the capital the year prior to look for a job even though he hadn't finished his degree yet. And because I don't know anyone in the capital, I stayed with him for a while.

I was really embarassed at first because he was paying for everything. I came from a not well-off family so literally, I only had money for fare and a few days of expenses when I went to the capital. There also came a time that I was broke and have not found a job yet so I literally became a freeloader in his place.

It was around two months of staying with him with only getting interviews from my applications when I arrived home and saw Forth in his apartment's kitchen doing his budget calculations. It was my second time seeing him doing that since I arrived. I was sheepish to approach him at first but when I saw the sadness in his face my feet moved on their own.

"Are you okay?" I asked him before pulling a seat beside him.

He just nodded and continued with his budgeting.

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