Chapter XXIII: Death Threats from a Pacifist

Start from the beginning

"Alright, enough with the innuendoes," I say. "Where are we going?"

Dr. Max nods his head out to the hallway. "There's breakfast in the conference room. Gretchen has whipped up some eggs and bacon."

When we enter the conference room, Alle and Poppy already there, my mouth is already watering from the scent of fried food.

"Eat," Alle says and points at the tray in the middle of the table. It's piled with all kinds of eggs and bacon and has both juice and tea together with plates, cups and cutlery. Poppy is at war with a giant pile of scrambled eggs. Alle herself is sitting with a filled plate and drinking from a long mug. Her band aid is gone and there's no evidence she's ever had a cut. "We're still waiting for the others. You might as well."

I don't have to be told twice, and Anton and I both grab a plate and begin stocking it. Dr. Max settles for a mug of tea and leans back into his chair. It turns out Gretchen doesn't just do terrific pies, she also makes a great omelet with mushrooms and cheese and enough spice to fill a country. I've almost finished my plate when Laur and Scarlett joins us.

"Ah, that woman is a Godsend," Scarlett says and grabs a plate too. She's just as dirty as she always is, but I'm sure she must shower because the dirt is different than the dirt from yesterday. "Everybody are starving. We've been working with the electronic chips all morning."

"Any progress?" Alle asks as she gnaws on a piece of bacon, but Scarlett shakes her head.

"Still as wruttenly fried as when we found them," she says. "But we've got a lot more bodies with all the ones that were damaged at yesterday's riot." At this Anton chokes on his eggs and I have to thump him in the back until he gets it gurgled up. Scarlett looks from me to him. "Pacifier bodies," she says with a worried scrunch. "Not humans."

Anton nods and coughs again. "Noted."

"Well, if that's all over," Laur says and takes a sip from his orange juice. I half expect his skin to turn orange, but it stays paper thin and white, "You might be curious as to how the riot went?"

Honestly, I'd rather go back to bed, but that doesn't seem likely to happen so instead of answering I stuff my cheeks with the rest of the omelet and rise to get a refill. Anton sits quietly and waits for Laur to continue which he does with a crackling smile. "It went magnificently," the leader of the revolution says with a grimace so wide I'm not even sure it can be characterized as a smile. "Most of the middle class have joined us, some are still causing trouble but overall it's a victory. We're expecting a backlash soon though, right Alle?" Alle nods and eats another piece of bacon. She looks much less tired today. "Which means we have to be ready," Laur continues. "We need to rally the masses. Have you considered our offer Mr. Thelonious?"

Anton takes a sharp inhale and I notice his thumb nervously fumbling with the edge of his fork. But then he presses his lips together in a line and nods.

"I have," he says.

"And?" Alle asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I've decided to join," Anton says. "I'll publicly support you however you wish me to."

At the news, Scarlett hoots and Dr. Max claps and Alle gives off one of her luminary smiles. Even Poppy seems less dark and brooding than usual.

"This calls for champagne," Laur says. "Quick, somebody go ask Gretchen whether she has any of the bubbly."

"I have a few conditions though," Anton interrupts him, which makes Alle smile.

"I'd be worried if you didn't," she says and I send her a death glare for making Anton feel bad for his slightly naive nature. She ignores me. "Pray tell."

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