Chapter XI: The Red Parts of My Soul

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Garmen's steps are easy to recognize when she comes downstairs, but I don't even glance at her. If she wants to be angry at me let her, I don't need her. Garmen only hesitates a second before moving past me and slips in between Ricardo and Frei. I keep ignoring her and let the omelet burn my tongue.

I'm nearly done with my food when Endria rises and turn on the tv.

"Bloody enough already," Quills calls. "Haven't we had enough of this?"

"Shh, I'm trying to listen," Endria says. "It's the Potentate speaking."

"...There are those of you who believe in these vile rumors," the suit that is Potentate Thelonious is shouting from the stand in front of the White House where his voice echoes back at him and multiplies through the speakers. "I am here to tell you, that they are absolutely horrendous. And that whoever is behind them, is trying to sow fear, in the hearts of the nation. We will not let them."

He is flanked by his wife who wears a beautiful blue scarf and with her hair pinned up underneath a hat standing behind him on one side and Governor Raze on the other, looking just as calm as he did at the last press conference, if not more. I don't believe he knows about Ministers Jacques' bestiality, so maybe he believes these are actually lies and it's only a coincidence that the last lie seemed to match his particular dark desire. It's not plausible but not impossible either. Or maybe he just doesn't care now that his secret is yesterday's news. God, I wonder where the Hell Minster Jacques is now. Maybe he's a good actor who manages to pull off a neutral face all day. Maybe he's locked himself in his room with a wicked hangover from getting drunk last night so he could forget everything for a few hours – the possibilities are endless. No matter where he is, I can't find it in me to feel bad for him. He is truly a sick bastard, but that's no stranger in the Government. It's a freak show all of it, and the Potentate has a Frankenstein complex bigger than Victor: Is he the monster or does he create them in the Government? Or both.

"It is now a time for unity," the Potentate continues. "Nobody can hurt our country unless we let them."

Oh, is that a challenge Potentate Thelonious? I think. Because I can. I can hurt you a whole lot, you and your darling reputation.

I slam my palms against the table, jolting Quills and Ki Aimi, but I don't care. I rise and walk straight to Barooba's office where I knock loudly with everybody staring at me. When the door opens, Barooba raises a lazy eyebrow as if she is dealing with an annoying toddler who won't stop screaming.

"I need to talk to you," I say. She takes a breath, but then she opens the door and let me come inside. She closes it behind me and nods at the bed where I sit down.

"What do you want?" she asks as she herself sits down in her chair.

"You said Alle called you when they wanted a second interview," I say. "Her number is in your contact list, right?"

"Yes," Barooba says.

"I want it."

"Oh, you want it?" she asks and rise so she's looking down on me. Listening to Barooba and doing what Barooba says has been my life for years, and I already know I'm not prepared to pick up this fight. I silently shrink back into myself, regretting the sudden surge of anger and energy and prepare to blame it on the drugs. "Fine, you can have it."

I blink. "Come again?"

Barooba turns around and finds the number on her pad after only a moment before she holds it out to me.

"Do you want to call her yourself, or should I?" she asks.

I quietly take the pad from her, feeling technology I haven't been in the presence of since before Grace died. Then I click on the call button and it begins ringing. I try my best to ignore Barooba as it rings twice before someone picks up.

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