Being Angry

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You tell me that anger destroys

Like I don't already know

You tell me to control my temper

You tell me to not let things get to me

You know how much of a problem this is

But you never once consider

That maybe I need help

Maybe it's not anger

Maybe it's sadness

Slowly eating away at me

Maybe it's that I'm always ignored

Maybe it's all the shit you've put me through

Maybe saying to control myself

Doesn't help

Maybe telling me off for for being angry

Never helps

Maybe for once

You could think about how I feel

Or why I act like this

Maybe for once

You could actually help me

Instead of making me feel worse

Maybe you could even try to understand

That all this anger

Is just me not being able to moving on

It's just what everyone else sees

When I feel like breaking

It doesn't even matter

Because in the end

Everything that I feel

Is never valid

I don't get to feel angry

Over something tiny

In the end it doesn't matter

Because no one cares to dive deeper

To even try and understand

That being angry

Is just because I'm so damn sad

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