Is that why you aren't
doing great?

Part of it.

Can I ask what the
rest of it is?

It's because I overheard
him talking to Kihyun that
he has known for years
how I feel and never said
a single thing about it to
me. Like he just let me
suffer with these feelings
and didn't think that telling
me to move on would be
beneficial at all. I have tried
so hard not to make it
obvious and even Kihyun
was helping me keep it
from him, reluctantly

May I be honest?

Depends. Is it going to
hurt to hear?

I don't know about
that, but it might
save your friendship.

Go on.

I don't know his past,
but I have had friends
with really hard pasts.
One of my friends was
terrified to be near
adults. He had been
abused by his parents
for years until he moved
In with his brother.
Every time I asked him
to come over, he made
up an excuse instead
of just telling me he was
scared. What I am trying
to say is that your friend
probably has his reasons
for doing it. Whether it
be that he was scared of
confronting you or he
just didn't know how to
deal with someone
liking him. Maybe you
know exactly what
would persuade him to
keep that to himself, but
if not, ask him. It could be
that your feelings were
all he was thinking about.
Please, don't just throw
away an obviously
precious friendship
because he didn't tell you
that he doesn't like you.
He may be suffering just
as much as you right now.

Why am I so stupid?
I was so wrapped up
in my feelings I forgot
about his. What happened
to him and how it affects
him now has been mine
and Kihyun's main focus
when helping with
anything. He would never
purposely hurt me.
Especially if he thought
it would make me leave

So don't make his fear
come true.

Thank you. I will go talk
to him tomorrow.

Good. So if you aren't
coming tonight then
I have to go.

Wait! Can I steal you
from whatever you were
going to do?

Depends. When would
you be coming?

I would be leaving in 2
minutes. I have to fix my
face a little ㅋㅋㅋ

Friends - HyungKyunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora