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Hey everyone,
I am here with my another fav author vani1012. Her story finding love is something which melt my heart.

old font : Kiruthi
Simple font : vani
1. What is your real name (Optional)? Where are you from (Optional)?
Hello! I am Shivani Sharma and I am an Indian.
2. Are you a student or an employee or a full time writer?
I am a student. I have completed my graduation and currently I am preparing of the Civil services exam.
(Al the very best. Hope to see you as an IAS soon)
3. What is the thing that inspired you to write?
I think I started writing finding love which is my first book on Wattpad because I wanted to read it. I have read a lot of arrange marriage romance on wattpad but after a point I was sort of bored of those same cliché and so I wrote what I think is different.
4. What is the genre of books you want to write in future? Why?
I think I’ll explore suspense genre since a lot of people tell me that I am good at description.
5. When did you start to write?
I started writing during my high school, mostly poems and write ups.
6. Are they any changes you have seen in yourself after you started to write? If yes, what are the changes?
I would say that writing calms me and gives me a sense of accomplishment.
7. What is the first comment you received after publishing your first draft? Do you remember the person you gave you that comment?
I don’t remember the first comment but I do remember the first reader of finding love. She goes by the wattpad profile TheKaiSong.
8. How did you get to know about wattpad? Were you an author before writing in wattpad?
I don’t exactly remember how I discovered wattpad but I was a teenager when I discovered it. I was a silent reader for five years on wattpad. I do use to write poems as I told earlier but neither of it was published on any online platforms, although my poems were published in my college magazines if it counts :)
9. What are the genres you prefer to read? Why?
I like to read both fictional and non-fictional books. In fiction, I read only romance genre which can range from cheesy romance of Nicolas sparks to dark romances but my all-time favorites are mafia romances written by Cora Reilly. Why? I don’t know why. Maybe because suspense and thrillers don’t interest me and I don’t have the heart to read horrors.
10. What are the genres you don’t prefer to read? Why?
As I said, I can’t read suspense thrillers and horrors.
11. Is there any book that changed your life? If so what is it and how it changed your life?
Yupp! I would say Brida by Paulo Coelho. It is the first book that I bought and now I have a shelf full of books. I love buying books. It gives me peace and I don’t really need a lot of people around always because I find my solace in books.
12. Have you ever thought that you will write book of your own?
Yes and No! I knew I can write but I never thought that I will actually do it.
13. What is the character that you can relate yourself from one of your books?
No one really. Those are all fictional characters created out of my imagination.
14. What would you like to do when you are not writing?
I like to read when I am not writing.
15. What do you think makes a good story?
I would say a good story is one where you fall in love with the characters and you start relating to them.
16. What were the key challenges youfaced when writing your first book?
Promotions. Promoting a book is always a challenge. Also a self-doubt always arises, if anyone will really like it. 
17. If you write your autobiography anytime in future what would be the first and last line of your book? What will be the title of your autobiography?
I would introduce myself as someone who was born in a very warm family, loved and cherished. I think the last line would be that “following what my mother told me, I always dreamed big and worked hard and the result is that I lived a life worth reading.” The title maybe will be “It all started with giving up”

18. Did you get any friends through wattpad?

Yupp! I did make some friends on wattpad.
19. What is the best part of being a writer?
That you can play with words to make somone else imagine a scene in their mind and feel as if they watched a dream and not read a book.
20. Do you have any message for your readers?
Well I would say that readers must appreciate through comments because ultimately it does not matter if 1 million people read the book or not but if that one reader loved it.
21.Did you enjoy your interview. Any comments about your interviewer.
Trust me I will never forget this interview, it is my first interview as a writer. My interviewer is very sweet.
1. What cartoon do you still like to watch?
Tom and Jerry.
2. What is your favorite fairy tale?
3. If you have one magical power, what would it be?
Read minds.
4. Would you like to live in the world of wizards or in the world of  superheros?
The world of superheros.
5. If reincarnation exists, what would you like to come back as?
As a pet dog.
6. Which fictional character do you believe is most like yourself?
I think Gianna from Cora Reilly’s book.
7. What is the mischievous thing you have ever done?
Now that’s a secret.
8. Have you ever had a crush on animated character?
I have a crush on fictional character Remo, again from Cora Reilly’s book.
9. What is the first thing you will do if you wake up as someone you hate?
I don’t particularly hate someone.
10. If you could invite one person to dinner, who would it be and what you cook?
I will invite Indu Sundaresan and discuss Mughal history and maybe cook biryani.
11. What is your opinion about Kiruthijay (your interviewer)?
Kiruthijay is such a sweetheart. She is lovely.
Thank you so much for the interview. Your answers were genuine and honest. All the best for your future. Lots of love❤️

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