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12 PM

Randy, Naya, Christy and Shara chit chat after class.

Christy: do you think it's weird?

Naya: what?

Christy: BDSM?

Randy: Oh No, you did nottt

Naya: I did actually.

Naya: Eww

Shara: With who? How come?

Christy: So we've been talking for a 3 days,a dn finally he want to meet me and pick me up at.

Randy: and then?

Christy: And then he I went to his house, and we went to room. Like some room

Randy: Red room?

Christy: No no no, just basic room, but with a few things you know. And he ask me "do you ever did BDSM?" and I says no and he ask me "do you want to? And I don't know what to say. So I say "okay.."

Shara: and then?

Christy: so he started to cuff me in bed you know and close my eyes, and lick all over my body

Naya: Eww

Randy: Oh I like that

Christy: then he went to take some candle and I said NO, not that far.

Shara: So?

Christy: So he just fuck me, and he stretch my feet with something but I don't know what that is.

Randy: Alright Mrs. Steele

Christy: Stopp!

Shara and Naya: HAHAHA

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