Saaya × senpai! reader: Senpai's Favorite

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[This one shot has been requested by AnimeLoverzz2005. Pleade enjoy!]

(Saaya pov)

I see senpai here at the cafeteria. Not to eat lunch but just to read a book. Senpai has been my crush for some time now... He was very nice to me when we first met each other when I bumped to him... Today, I'm gonna bring him some choco cornets, senpai's favorite

Saaya: Y/n-senpai!

(Y/n pov)

I heard someone shout my name so I turned around and it was my kouhai, Saaya.

Y/n: Hey, Saaya!

She then sat down next to me.

Saaya: I brought you your favorite, Y/n-senpai!

Y/n: You don't need to do that. I don't eat lunch very often.

Saaya: Mou! I don't want you to be hungry all the time!

She said with a cute pout that made my heart skip a beat. Not gonna lie, I had developed feelings for Saaya for sometime now... And her being so sweet to me doesn't help at all...

Y/n: Fine, you can go now... You eat lunch with your friends, right?

Saaya: Yeah, but I'll eat the choco cornets with you today.

Y/n: Ok...

We then started eating...

(3rd person pov)

As Y/n and Saaya were eating together...

Kasumi: Where's Saaya?

Rimi: She's eating with Y/n-senpai over there...

Rimi then points the table where Y/n and Saaya are eating.

Tae: Why does Y/n-senpai get free bread from Saaya? That's unfair.

Arisa: She likes him? Remember? And besides they're good friends. They've been friends even before we were a band...

Kasumi: But why wouldn't Saaya confess? It's been a year or two since she started having feelings for him, right?

Arisa: Well, just let her be... She'll confess when the time is right.


Y/n: You never disappoint, Saaya. I love your bread.

Saaya: Well, I made it extra delicious just for you.

Y/n: Could you teach me how to bake bread?

Saaya: Uh... Sure!

Y/n: I'll come at the bakery at Saturday. Is that fine?

Saaya: Yeah, sure.

Y/n: Then it's settled.

Saaya: Yup!

They then continued eating...

~At night~

Me and Saaya at her house? I'm so excited!

(Saaya pov)

Senpai is gonna come here! I'm so excited! I wish everything will go well at Saturday...


(Y/n pov)

Today, me and Saaya are gonna bake choco cornets, I entered their bakery and greeted Mr. and Mrs. Yamabuki. As I went to their kitchen I saw Saaya wearing an apron.

Saaya: Let's get started, senpai!

Y/n: Let's start!

We then started, Saaya did most of the work but I still helped nonetheless... After a few hours...

Saaya: The bread's done!

Y/n: Wait, there's dough on your cheek...

I then walked up to her and cupped my hand on her cheek as my thumb removed it...

I then ate the dough that was in her cheek.

Saaya: Uhm Y/n-senpai...

(3rd person)

Suddenly, Y/n kissed Saaya. This was unexpected to Saaya but she didn't resist in fact, they started making out in the kitchen. This continued for a few minutes until...

Y/n: Saaya, I like you.

Saaya: I like you too, senpai.

She said as they hugged each other...

Jun: Mom! Onee-chan and Y/n-san just kissed and hugged each other!

They then looked at Jun who which they were surprised to see. Then Mr. and Mrs. Yamabuki went to the kitchen.

Mr. Yamabuki: I'm gonna cut it to the chase, do you love our daughter, Y/n?

Y/n: Yes sir, I do.

Mrs. Yamabuki: Then promise us to fully love her with all of your heart.

Y/n: I will.

Saaya: Mom! Dad! You're embarrassing me...

Mrs. Yamabuki: How about I tell Y/n about that time I caught you hugging your pillow and saying-

Saaya: You can stop now mom!

They then laughed it off as Y/n and Saaya got the bread out of the oven and Y/n, Saaya and her family ate it...

For Y/n, this is something he'll cherish forever.


[I love Saaya. Thanks for reading and requests are closed until further notice.]

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