"Fine!" I snapped. "I was worried. I was worried okay? Now let go!"

He didn't. Instead, Seokjin just laughed softly.

"Time to let go," I said.

Seokjin loosen his hold on me and then turned me around so that I could face him. He looked so amused, I wanted to knock him out.

His hand reached out and I watched as he brushed what's left of my tears away. I was stunned to see how warm his eyes were too.

"I'm okay," he said, dropping his hand. "Just hit my head a little."

I felt tears sting my eyes.

"I'm glad it's me and not Namjoon," Seokjin continued on, "he wanted to switch cars with me but I was too lazy to move and told him that I'd ride alone with our staff."

I sniffled, turning away from him and ready to flee but then Seokjin grabbed the back of my head and pulled me against him, my head buried in his chest. I could feel how fast his heart was racing.

"I was scared," Seokjin murmured. "I thought it was the end for me."

I let the tears fall.

"But I was determined to live," he continued on. "I had the members to think about. My family. My friends..." he trailed off before he dropped his voice into a soft whisper, "And there's you too."

"I don't like it," I forced myself to say it.

"Don't like what?"

"That you were in the car with your Rijin."

"Say what?" Seokjin spluttered. "My Rijin? She's not mine."

I glared up at him, angry tears filling my eyes. "Tell me honestly. How many times have you done it with her?"

Don't ask me why I would ask such a thing but it's been bugging me. Honestly, I don't even want to know but I couldn't help but ask him. It's like I like to hurt myself by asking him this.

Seokjin winced at my blunt question, averting his eyes as he turned his head away from me.

My jaw dropped. "No..."

Seokjin sighed, moving back to sit on the hospital bed, holding both my hands in his. With a troubled smile, he murmured, "Shortcake."

I waited. He said nothing more.

"That's it? Shortcake? That's your answer?" I asked, feeling anger bubbling within me. "You were with her in that car too, weren't you?" I held up my hand to stop him from talking. "Tell me. Was she sitting next to you?"

Seokjin smiled and that's enough to tell me that she was, in fact, sitting next to him. Just thinking about the two being pressed against each other—

He pulled me towards him, settling me in between his legs as I stood. "Am I to believe this is you being jealous of Rijin?"

"Are you serious right now?" I shot back, eyes narrowing on him. "Stop diverting and just tell me already!"

"A lot," Seokjin said, quietly.

My heart ached at that.

"We've done it a lot of times," Seokjin said, his eyes softening. "But that's the past now, isn't it?"

I opened my mouth to argue but I couldn't. I just couldn't find the strength to do so. Pressing my lips together, it was now my turn to look away from him.

"I get it," I said, lips trembling. "You two were in love. Of course, you would have—"

I couldn't even finish the words before I felt tears streaming down my face. If they were able to do it that many times, it must be true that Rijin knows more about Seokjin than I do. I covered my face with my arms when I was unable to stop the tears.

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