Foul Memories

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The wind ruffled my hair and blew the sea's salty smell into my nose. Excitement was still coursing through my veins. I took another deep breath, inhaling the smell of salt once again. It was nice to be out adventuring rather than being stuck on my little island back home.

"Kia Ora, bro" I heard a voice behind me, I could tell immediately who it was from the language they were using. I turned around and saw New Zealand looking at me, his green eyes duller than usual.

"G'day Kiwi, you alright mate?" I asked. New Zealand averted eye contact.

"Aren't you nervous Oz?" New Zealand asked, his voice quivered slightly.

"Nah mate, this is the best. I've never been out of Straya before. I can't wait to beat those Turks senseless." I said, my voice laced with determination. I looked back at the sea again and inhaled the salty smell that made me feel free.

"But, what if... what if something goes wrong."

"Don't worry mate, I won't let anything happen. This'll be over before you know it." I said turning back around to face New Zealand. "I'll make sure nothing happens to you, your army, my army, and any of our other allies because we're brothers aren't we. Even if you pronounce everything backwards and think that you invented pavlova even though it obviously came from Straya first."

"Oz, I don't think this is the time to be starting fights. Save that for Turkey. Also you're the one who pronounces everything weird and no, pavlova came from NZ first." New Zealand said, a small smug smile on his face. I'm glad I was able to make him smile before the battle begins. "And don't worry bro, I got your back too."

"Who said I was worrying, you seemed like the one about to piss your pants." I joked. New Zealand jokingly pouted before smiling again. It was difficult to make New Zealand mad, he was too laid back. But in saying that I have achieved it once before.

"I wasn't that worried. I was just concerned. It's not bad to be over prepared for all the possibilities." New Zealand said, the dullness in his eyes fading. I'm glad I was able to cheer up my little bro. "Alright, better get some sleep before the landing tomorrow."

"Yeah, you rest up mate. I feel like it's gonna be a long day tomorrow." I said, taking in one last inhale of the salty sea before following New Zealand to the bunker rooms.


My eyes groggily opened. Everyone else was still dozing. Dumb excitement woke me up early. I slowly got out of my hammock and walked back outside. To my surprise New Zealand was already preparing everything. He had loaded some of the landing boats with supplies and had even mopped the floor.

"G'day Kiwi, what are you doing up so early?" I asked the New Zealander.

"Just preparing everything and making sure everything is good to go. I don't want anything bad to happen while we're landing the boats. I want all our men to get there safely." New Zealand said, wiping his forehead as he lowered the last box of ammunition into a boat. "This is our first proper battle isn't it. We don't want to blow it."

"That's a good point Kiwi, but this is a war y'know so don't expect to save everyone." I said. New Zealand nodded solemnly. "And there were people who were supposed to do all that preparation stuff. They just haven't woken up yet."

New Zealand only nodded again. He seemed lost in thought.

"Hey, Kiwi." No response. "New Zealand... Aotearoa."

"Hm, what?" New Zealand looked up startled at the use of his original name.

"You were spacing out. What were you thinking about?" I asked.

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