Day 1,472

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Day: 1,472
Progress of antidote: 3.73%

We've done it. Ilia and Weiss successfully harnessed the power of her glyphs in the weapons. They can freeze a target for approximately twenty minutes minimum and three hours max. We're ready to head out and find Arthur and Coco. We almost lost his signal last night, but Yang was able to stabilize his location at the last second. Really gave me a run for my money. That would've been four years of searching for nothing. Me, Weiss, and the strike team are going to start the exploration in a couple of hours. I believe they're ready. We've trained them on where to strike the Grimmified humans without it being lethal. I'm bringing some of my serum with me, it's still only 3.7% successful, but if we can save more people and unite a few others to help us it could make all the difference. We've still yet to find Team JNPR. I hope to god they survived the bombs or at least can still be saved. That will be our next objective. After we bring Arthur Watts into custody and find Coco, our next objective will be to find Team JNPR. After all that is said and done, I'm going to continue my research. If we're lucky Arthur will have answers on how to make a fully successful cure, or better... a way to save Y/N. Y/N, if you can still hear me now, I hope you know how sorry I am... how sorry we are.

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