Chapter One

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November 9, 2034

Ellie's P.O.V.

" Aw, fucking cunt." I said, putting my cut finger in my mouth. 

" It was starting to sound like something." Joel said, walking towards me. 

" Yeah. Thanks. But the strings are cutting the hell out of my fingers." 

" That's why I told you to wear gloves. They're old." 

" Try wearing leather gloves in the middle of summer. It fucking sucks." 

" You ready to go?" 

" Yeah. Let me bandage this up." 

" Remind me when weget back and I'll pick Tommy's mind and see if there'sa place round here that has newstrings. They shouldn't be that sharp." 

" Yeah. So I'm going to start guessing."

" You wanna spoil your surprise now?" 

" It's not gonna be ruining anything if you don't tell me." 

" Or, how about you just drop it?"

" Nah. Is it a dinasor?" 

" Stop trying to guess. I ain't telln' you." 

" Alright,is it an elephant?" 

" Ugh..."

" Is it a convertible?"

" Your not gonna guess."

" Is it a puppy? Is it alotta kittens?"

" You mean a litter?"

" What's a litter?"

" A buncha kittens."

" Why wouldn't you just call it a buncha kittens?"

" I don't know why-- it's called a litter!"

Joel and I hade to stick to the edge of a cliff for a while,and as soon as we saw water, he pushed me off the edge.

" What the fuck's wrong with you! I coulda died, or drowned!" 

" Your fine aren't you?"

" Yeah, keep laughing! See what happens."

I let the current push me along, but was interrupted when Joel jumped in behind me.

" Alright, is itmy 6th grade histotory teacher wanting to apologize for being a massive dick?"

" I beg your parden?" Joel asked as he floated past me.

" My friends and I would argue whenever he called the firefly's terrorists." 

" Youknow they are, correct." 

" They do what they have to do to survive, like we did." 

" But." 

I exhailed. " They are, in some people's eyes." 

" Am I now considered,asyou put it, a dick?" 

" Very much so,as you would put it." 

" I have a feeling it's about what did, not what I think." 

The current lead us into a deeper part of the water, but it was walled off with rocks and the only way out we saw was blocked by trees.

" Stay here. There's probably a way out under all this." 

" Don't drown." 

The sound of a shreak made me jump. 

It was really close. 

" Ellie!" I heard Joel's voice yelled. " Dive straight down, there's a culvert you can go through!"

I quickly found it and swam through, then saw Joel. 

" There's a Clicker somewhere." I whispered as he pulled me out of the water.

Joel and I looked around. " You sure you heard one?"

" If I did, we would see it by now." 

We stood there for a few more seconds, then kept moving. 

The rest of the trip was silent for a while, giving me time to think what the supride was. 

" Could you at least give me a clue?" 

" Nope." 

" Clue."

"Hmmmm mmm mmhm." He began to hum.

" Hey, stop it!"

He continued humming, them shopped when I shovedhim into the same creek.

" How's that feel?!"

" Refreashing." 

" It's not cool getting pushed in is it?"

" Well, actually we need to swim through this part anyway."

" I got you back. Your angrey and upset! Admit it!" 

" I am VERY angrey and upset, now come on."

I jumped in after Joel cleared the way, then he dived under water. 

" How much further? I need to get back."

" You got a date or something?" 

" Kat and I are gonna hang out." 

" Alright, then we better get moving." 

It wasn'tlong until Joel stopped and pointed down into a valley where I eyes met a giant stone dinosaur! 

" Holy shit!It is a dinosaur!"

" I've been trying to move that junk that's around it away from it to make another look out area, but I figured I would show it to you for your birthday."

" Wait,is that a building?" 

" That is is for your next birthday." 

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