sick ~hall

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request for @nina27206

"ahhh," i groaned sleepily, slightly leaning over to shut the the window shade. i had a pounding headache. i burrowed my face back into my pillow, desperately attempting to go back to bed. i slowly drifted off, only to be reawaken by a loud thump coming from downstairs. little backstory, i'm temporarily living in the sway house with my boyfriend until i find my own place.

"those fucking idiots." i grumbled, covering my ears with my pillow, hoping to at least slightly drown out any incoming noises. i was once again dosing off, but the i heard the damn door open.
"hey beau- oh my god, are you ok?" i only responded with i low groan, removing the pillow from over my ears.
"are you having another migraine, angel?"
"mhmmm," i felt a dip in the bed beside me, comforting arms instantly pulling me in by my waist. bryce left a few soft kisses on my neck before whispering almost inaudibly,
"i'm gonna go get you an advil, ok?" i nodded, turning to him and flashing a slight smile before pulling the comforter back over my head. after a few minutes, bryce rentered the room, holding a glass of water and an advil
in one hand and a bag of gummy bears in the other.
"have i ever told you how much i love you?" i croaked, quickly slipping the liquid and advil down my throat.
"are you talking to me or the gummy bears?" he asked, chuckling a bit at his own joke. bryce was most definitely the one in the group whom always seemed so amused by their own wit. i gave him a slight smile, snatching the bag from his hands.
"do you enjoy being hurt?" he rolled his eyes, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"bryceeee," i made slight grabby hands at him. i knew i was being clingy, but my vision was almost blurring from how bad my head hurt, he'd just have to deal with it. he climbed up to the front of the bed, letting my rest my head in his lap. i plopped a gummy bear in my mouth looking up to bryce, who was smiling contently. god, i loved him. i closed my eyes, taking deep breaths as bryce began stroking my hair.
"get some sleep, ok." he whispered, kissing my forehead. i mumbled something along the lines of 'love you' before immediately drifting off.

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