Am I...happy? (3)

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Kenma's POV:

I heard the door open downstairs and I assumed it was Kuroo. The click of the door half woke me up. I had just started to get better with storms. They would usually just keep me up, this time it was different... The storm is really harsh and I'm in a house I've only been living in for a week. I don't feel safe here. I couldn't bring myself to be fully awake so I drifted off back to sleep.

(A/N: So this next part is a flashback but also his dream.)

'Mom why isn't Lucy getting better?'  My parents didn't explain to me what was wrong with her but I heard the doctors talking. They think I'm too young. I can handle it. I'm 10 years old.

'Sweety...Lucy isn't going to get better....The doctors are helping her the best she can.' They think I don't know anything but I know she is going to die.

~intense beeping~


I watched as a bunch of doctors and nurses rushed into my sisters room. My mom broke down into tears and my father clung onto her the best he could. A moment later I heard a long beeping noise. The doctor walked out and told my parents something. I couldn't hear what they were saying to eachother. My dad grabbed my hand and walked me and my mother out to the car. I don't know why we are leaving so early. We usually don't go til later.

'Why are we leaving so early? I didn't get to say by to Lucy.'

My mom started to cry harder.

'Kenma. Your sister has passed away.'


That's all my father said. Just those five words and my name. This is the end. The last time I would ever see her. She's gone. My eyes started to fill with tears. I silently cried in the backseat wishing I could just disappear. She was my best friend. I loved her so much, and now... I'll never see her again.

Kuroo's POV:


I immediately ran to Kenma's room. He was tossing and turning in his sleep. He was laying in a puddle of sweat. I tried to shake him awake but he wouldn't wake up.

'Wake up damnit!'

He stopped thrashing around but he was shaking really bad. I put my arms around him and held him tight. Once he stopped shaking I tried to wake him again. To my surprise he woke up.

"Ugh~ Kuroo what are you doing?"

Then I realized I'm still hugging him. I blushed...Oops.

"Are you okay?! You screamed in your sleep and when I came in you looked like you were dying."

"Oh uh yeah just a nightmare. That's the first one I've had in a while." He said.

I looked at him longingly waiting for an explanation. He sighed and started to speak,

"A-after my sister died I got night terrors. They eventually s-stopped. I also started getting better with storms, b-but because I've only lived here for a week i-it freaked me out." He explained and I could tell it was weird for him. He must not express his feelings often. Either he doesn't like to or no one asks.

"It's alright. I can stay in here for the night? If your okay with it that is." That was awkward. All he did was shyly nod his head.

"Hey wait. I just realized this is your room. It's really cool. I like it more that mine." I chuckled. His walls are a light shade of grey. He has posters all over the walls. Most of them are from video games. There is a blue gaming chair in the corner of his room with a tv on the wall in front of it. A white desk is in the other corner. On his desk I can see a photo of him and his sister. She's beautiful. His voice snapped me out of my thoughts,

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