We're flawless!

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We are de flawless nation and no one can be as flawless as us. -Nash

Hi! I'm Dillon and I wear bandanas, I'm a fucking flawless prince and Nash is the peasant and lox is the queen. You mess with my girlfriend or my friends (on this account and who I talk to) I'll beat the fucking shit out of you, think what you say before you say it. -Dillon

I de peasant say, me sexy and no one messes with da peasant. I talk like dis for a reason because I'm an actor, don't touch my girlfriend or my friends and if you hurt dem, you get hurt in de balls and me don't like hurting de wattpaders. -Nash

Yo! It's the queen of flawless and I'm here! Don't like me? That's really to bad, don't speak to me if your only going to be a fake friend. Don't touch my boyfriend he's all mine! Don't be mean to these guys or the girls on this account especially not the younger ones (14-6 don't know skylynns age) also if you're rude 16+ are able to deal with it and we'll just send the hate right back at you. -Lox

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