I am sorry

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I am so sorry for who I'm about to hurt right now but baby, I've gotta go. I've gotta leave. I'm so sorry. You're going to be an amazing mom to our little boy hunter. You are going to be strong, I need you to be strong for the both of us. I'm not breaking up with you I swear I'm not, I just... Being on this site isn't for me at the moment and you know that. I love you princess, I love us, I love your shyness, your rambles and I love how calm and collected you are when the going gets tough. I need you to understand, I'm not leaving you, I'm simply saying I'm sorry because I have to leave this site, not you but this site. You're my world, my smile, my happiness and my freedom. You keep me going. Just know that I love you so much and you're sister and brother in law will help as much as they can. Let them help. Don't push them away. I love you baby girl.

-Luke. K

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