Off Limits Chapter 10

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After it got dark Peter and i got a taxi back to our houses. I gave him a good bye kiss and walked inside. I layed my bag down on the kitchen counter and got a glass of water. I was thinking about what Peter had said when i heard a shuffling noise. "Where were you?" A voice said behind me.

I jumped around to see my mother standing at the door. "Ugh! Mam you scared the shit outta me." I sat back down in my seat. "Lydia, it's 1 in the morning. Where were you?!" She asked again. "Nowhere." "Well you have to have been somewhere because you definetly weren't in your room." She retorted.

"I was- with some friends." I technically didn't lie because Peter was one of my friends. Just a closer one. "Oh yeah? And what were you doing that made you stay out so late?" She asked her face red with anger. "We were just hanging out, okay?" I walk past her through the door.

"Hey don't turn your back to me, Lydia. I'm not finished talking to you." She yelled after me. "Oh yeah? Well i'm finished talking to you." I retorted and stormed up the stairs to my room, locking the door shut.

"Lydia! Open this door right now!" I heard my mother calling. I just put my earphones in, turned on some music and started to draw, like i always do when i'm bored or mad. Apparently it helps calm me down or something so i don't freak. I like to draw anyway so it just fits.


I was packing my gear bag when i heard my brother, Brian call me. "You're gonna be late!" He yelled as i hurried to finish packing, stuffing the last few things i'd need on my trip. You see, the school decided to bring the whole of 5th year on a school trip to France for 2 whole weeks. Which is really great because i haven't been to France since i was 12. And i really need a sun holiday.

"C'mon." Brian shouted from downstairs. I still wasn't on good terms with my mam and dad was asleep because he had work in the morning, so Brian had to drive me to the airport. That's where we're meeting the school.

I raced down the stairs and gave a kiss to my huge husky, Ice. We named him that because his eyes were the colour of ice. "Good bye, Ice. See you soon." I whispered. Brian grabbed my suitcase and gear bag putting them in the boot of his car. I climbed in the passenger seat. We pulled out of the drive way.

"Call me if you need anything. Or even if you just need to talk." We had arrived at the airport and Brian was helping me with bringing my bags in to the building. "Yeah, i will." I say. "And don't talk to strangers if they come up to randomly." Brian said. I nodded. "Got it."

"And-" "Hey, i'll be fine. I won't talk to randamos and i'll call if anythings wrong. I'll be with Malia and Alison anyway." I reassure him, placing my hand on his arm. I could see my friends calling me over from where the teachers were signing students in.

The airport was mostly empty apart from a few people because it was the middle of the night. "Okay." Brian said still looking worried. I pulled him into a hug, tears coming to my eyes. This would be the longest i have been in another country without him and my parents.

"Okay. I gotta go. They're calling me." I pull away. Brian had tears in his eyes too. When he saw me staring he said, "Must be the dust." Which made me laugh. "See ya, Big Bro." I smile. "Bye, Little Sis." He returned the smile. I started my way towards my class mates, lugging my suitcase beside me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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