Off Limits Chapter 6

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We had only one week left until the school year started and i would be in 5th year. I was skipping TY. Some people call TY Transition Year because it's literally the transition from 3rd year to 4th year. In Ireland you're able to skip Transition year if you want, so for those people, me and most of my close friends it would be a transition from 3rd year to 5th year. I was really excited because i'd be in the same year as Peter 'cause he did TY and is going into 5th year too. I know, confusing right?

Anyway, after i came home from Kilkee my family were all over me. "Are you okay?" And "Oh, Honey let me do that for you." I guess it wasn't that bad because i didn't have to do many chores but it stated to get annoying. And then my parents thought my frustration was because of the other night with Liam. Which it wasn't.

Peter seemed to be the only person i could go to and not be reminded i was nearly a victim of rape. I wasn't allowed go anywhere alone now so the only times i could meet Peter were at night.

Since my bedroom was at the back of the house and away from the other rooms i could sneak out without being heard. The only dangerous part of this was i was on the second floor, so to get out of the house i have to climb out my window, walk along part of the roof that was our sitting room -it's only one floor so i can jump down from my window- and climb down the big oak tree that was close to the end of the house. Easy. I had done it so many times now i didn't even have to think about what i was doing.

Peter would meet me outside ur school. We would wake to the field at the back and i would lie down with his warm arms wrapped around me. We talked and laughed for hours before we had to head home. Here we could do anything without being caught.

It was Peter's birthday today and i woke up feeling really excited on what i had planned for us. I jumped out of bed and got dressed in a tight fitted black dress with a white line along the neck and around at arms and a pair of cream Convers. I ran down stairs and ate my breakfast.

"Your cheerful this morning. What's up?" My dad asked. "Nothing." I said quickly. "Just meeting up with some friends later." I told him. "She means a boy." My brother, Brian, walked in. "What! No i don't. What would you know anyway!?" I retorted. He smirked at me. "Yeah, she's definitely meeting a boy." I glared at him but he just laughed.

Once i had convinced my dad i wasn't meeting a guy and told him i'd be back late enough i grabbed my bag and some money and i put on my neck gatter that Peter had bouht for us when we nearly got caught walking around together.

I ran out of the house leaving no time for more questions. I ran all the way over to our school where Peter was at basketball training. I leaned on the bike racks waiting for him to come out.

Not long after the door opened and out came all the boys. I knew nearly all of them but luckily they didn't recognise me. I saw Peter walk out. He was walking with a group of lads laughing and joking around. Then he saw me and a huge grin spread across his face. I nodded to the side of the building and started to walk over there. Peter followed.

"Hey-" he started but i jumped up and he caught me in his arms. I look up and kiss him on the lips. I pulled away. "Happy Birthday." I smiled. Peter laughed. "Thanks. Wait how did you know it was my birthday? I never told you." He looked at me confused. "I have my sources." I told him.

"Hey! Peter!" Someone called. I jumped down from Peter's arms and he pulled my neck gatter over my mouth and nose again. I turned to see a few of Peter's friends run over. "Hey guys." He said awkwardly. "Hello, beautiful." One of them said. "What's your name?" I looked at him. "Molly. Molly McCarthy." I lied.

The boy smiled and looked at Peter. "Why didn't we hear about her?" He said and nudged Peter with his elbow. "Yeah, i wanna know that too." The others chimed in. I just laughed one of those girly girl laughs. "I told him not to. You see i don't want my reputation of being with a new guy every night to be ruined." I spoke in a high pitched voice and whispered loud enough so they could all hear me.

Then i flipped my hair over my shoulder. "Sorry but we gotta go." I grabbed Peter's hand and turned. "See ya later boys!" I called back. Once we were out of sight i pulled off the neck gatter. Peter looked at me in awe. "How did you just do that?" "Do what?" I asked. "You literally just made them believe you were some girly girl called Molly."

"Yeah so? Do you have a problem with that?" I put on the high pitched voice again. Peter laughed and i joined in. "Wow, you lie so easily." "It's easy when you do it all the time." I say and kiss his lips gently. "Now come on. We're going to miss our bus." I grab his hand dragging him along. "A bus- where are we going? Lydia!" "You'll see!" I yelled and laughed.


We reach the bus station just in time. I had already bought tickets so we didn't have to cue. We hop on the bus and take our seats close to the back. "Will you please tell me where we're going?" Peter pleaded and i just shook my head. "Do i at least know the place?" "You should. If you didn't i'd be pretty worried for you social life." I say and smile. He just laughs. "Alright."

We spend the rest of the trip in silence, just enjoying the other persons company. I snuggle my head against his chest and he places an arm around me. An old woman beside me smile and whispered to me, "Love is wonderful, isn't it?" She patts a mans hand beside her who i assumed to be her husband. I look up at Peter who was staring out the window, "Yeah, it's great." I return the smile.

The bus pulled up in the parking lot. "We're here." I stand up and fix my dress. Peter and i walk out to the burning hot sun and glittering sea. "I thought it would be nice to be able to walk around with out anyone seeing us." I explain. Peter smiles and laces his fingures through mine. "So, what do you want to do first?" I ask as we start to walk. Peter looks at me, "Ice cream." He says.

We decide to go for a walk on the beach, taking off our socks and shoes and walking through the cool and refreshing water. I had got a cookie dough ice cream and peter got a 99' with sprinkles. We ate some of each others too. We left no trace of us having eaten ice creams and when i mentioned this to Peter he looked at me and burst out laughing. I joined in when i realised i had some ice cream on my chin.

Peter wiped it away with his thumb. Then held me face in his hands. "You know you beautiful, right?" I tried to laugh at this comment but it came out more as a huff. "No, i'm serious." He continued. "I mean your pretty hot and cute and sexy and all but you're beautiful on the inside too. Like you're kind and generous and sweet. I could go on forever."

I smile sadly at him. "So i may have some good qualities, but my bad ones are even worse." I look down, embarrassed. You see, i used to have really bad anxiety and super bad anger management issues and i used to flip out all the time. Once i had hit a guidence counseller teacher from them just trying to help me control it.

"What happened in the past doesn't matter. Look at how strong you've become, Lydia." Peter lifted my face up to him. "Yeah, yeah i know." I put on the best smile i could muster. "Lets keep moving then, shall we?" We turn and start to walk again.

"What would happen if some one were to splash you?" I ask. "Well if it was Malia or Luke or maybe one of my friends, i'd throw them into the water. Why?" I grin. "Well its a good thing i'm not any of them then, isn't it?" I bend down cupping my hand and scoop up some water, throwing it in Peter's face. "Aghhh!" He yelled. I watched as his face went from shock to disbelief to pure happiness. "Oh, you're going to pay for that!" He yelled and i sprinted, Peter chasing after me...

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