Off Limits Chapter 9

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The next few weeks flew by. School started and so far it wasn't that bad. I did good in tests and kept up with my homework. I was tired nearly all the time during the day because of my late nights with Peter. A few teachers asked was i okay and all i had to do was nod and agree and they'd be off my back in no time.

When i was free i'd meet up with Peter in our little forest meadow. We spent most of our time there either lying on the soft grass of fixing up the tree house. We had built the floor, walls and the roof and now we are painting it a nice white. I'll be painting on designs when the white is done to make it more colourful. We got all our supplies from my uncle, Bob. He even helped us a bit. He asked how i knew Peter and i just said he was a friend from school.

When he questioned if we were together i quickly replied saying Peter was into guys. That made Peter snicker from over by the tree house and Bob go pale. I laughed and soon enough the others joined in. Bob went home after he finished off bringing the furniture inside and all was left was to paint it.

Before we knew it both Peter and i were standing infront of a beautiful white tree house with painted on flowers and vines. There was fairy lights wrapped around the trees and inside a small table with two seats that can pull out to be a bed. There was a mini fridge in there too. How Bob and Peter got that to work i have no idea.

"It's perfect." I breath. "Not yet." Peter said and i gave him a confused glance. He walked up to a small piece of wood and painted a few words on it. Then he nailed it above to door. It read,            
                    "Lydia + Peter

"Aww, Peter." I started to tear up. He came over and wrapped my up in his arms. "I know. I know." He whispered.
"And i mean it." I looked up at him. "Mean what?" He stepped back to get a better look at me. "Lydia-" he looked nervous. Why was he nervous? Like i mean this is Peter, always calm and cool Peter. I thought to myself.

"Lydia Greene, I- i know we've only been together for a few months but i'm sure of it. I Love You, Lydia. And you don't have to answer now. I just wanted to say that so you knew how i felt and-" i leaned over and pressed my lips against his, throwing my arms around his neck. I pull away, resting my fore head against his. "And I Love You." Peter grins and pulls me in for another kiss.


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