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1)If you could sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?:

I would probably sing "I'm Not The Only One" by Sam Smith. I just think soul music would be my strong point & I really like the song.

2)If you were a box of cereal, what would you be & why?:

I'd be Captain Crunch because I'm a boss & I don't think I'd get soggy under pressure & I always "crunch" the competition.

3)You're a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be & why?:

Blue because my world is colored in calm, understated, deep colors.

4)Why did you choose your username?:

It defines me as a person. I'm always striving to be on top of my game & I always plan on being better than I was yesterday.

5)What's your nationality?:

I'm African American, part Indian, part Caucasian & part European.

6)What's a tip you'd like to share?:

With writing, be 100 percent committed to it. Things take time & if you are truly willing to take the time, be patient with it & give it your all then I promise you that you'll reach your goal

7)Why should people follow you?:

I try to put every last bit of skill & heart into my work. I always do the best I can to make it relatable & touch people in ways that no words can describe. Writing is what I do & I don't plan on quitting.

8)What is your favorite quote?:

"Although no one can go back & make a brand new start, anyone can start from now & make a brand new ending."- Carl Bard

9)Randomness you'd like to share?:

Nah I don't think so.

10)What's your genre you favor in writing?:

OK I know Wattpad doesn't really talk about this genre but it would have to be drama.

11)To read?:

Teen Fiction

12)Hair color?:


13)Favorite story off Wattpad?:

The Street Fighter & I.

14)What do you think when I say allons-y?:

I have no idea what that means haha.

15)How many languages do you know?:

I know 2, English & French.

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