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1) If you could sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?

I would definitely sing A Whole New World due to my Disney obsession :p

2) If you were a box of cereal, what would you be and why?

I would be Cookie Crisp because that cereal is the epitome of awesomeness, and it can go with practically any dessert.

3) You're a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why?

Iron Man Red. I am a geek, and I'm drinking from an Avengers cup right now, so I just thought about it.

4) Why did you choose your username?

When I was about four, my babysitter was creating me an account on the used-to-be-popular website Neopets, and since I love cows, I am a girl, my babysitter said I rock, and I was four, it was created! So that username is the only one that I ever use on, well, everything!

5) What's your nationality?


6) What's a tip you'd like to give?

If you read more, then you get more creative. So read. Be creative, and, no matter how much you think your stories suck, SOMEONE out there will like them :P

7) Why should people follow you?

Well, I like to think that I am a good writer, and I also like to think that I am funny, so why NOT follow me? Also, I give smashing advice!

8) What is your favorite quote?

"My license to kill? Revoked-- trouble at the Kazakhstan border. I'd give you the details, but then I'd have to kill you. . . which I can't do because my license to kill has been revoked."

~Shawn Spencer, Psych

9) Randomness you'd like to share?

Chocolate comes from a tree--therefore it is a fruit, and so chocolate covered cherries are fruit covered fruit. Logic.

Marshmallows used to be a sore-throat medicine, but now they're just candy. They still help your throat, though. . .

10) What's the genre you favor writing in?

Teen Fiction since I can relate to it more.

11) To read?

I really like anything, but I have problems with Fan-Fics (I mean, it's creepy! Do you think that Harry Styles or Luke Hemmings like to hear how they "caressed your face"?), adult fiction, and classics, and all of that stuff that doesn't really have a fantastical action-y feel to them.

12) Hair color?

Brown-- I have been told that it is green, but it is brown.

13) Favorite story off Wattpad?

Oh, Lord. I have too many, but if I have to choose, it would be Inhuman by Kat Falls. It is the perfect amount of dystopia, romance, and fun! <3

14) What do you think when I say allons-y?

Is that a real word? I thought that it said "Aliens-y" at first, so I guess I think of aliens.

15) How many languages do you know?

Fluently, one. English. I am learning Spanish in school, so I can kind of speak two. But I know single words/kind of can read a lot.

Korean (Thanks to my sister)





Italian (LOL the Olive Garden XD)



Japanese (ANIME!!!)

So 11?

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