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If you could sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?

omg i've thought about this question so many times when i was younger but now i can't really think of a song... love the way you lie - skylar grey version ?? you know what i might as well just sing like twinkle twinkle little star. if they searching for raw talent that would be enough~ ;D

If you were a box of cereal, what would you be and why?

churros cereal - idk what it's actually called but it's just churro bits lol why? bc i like them idk man

You're a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why?

a color that hasn't been discovered yet bc i'm a special snowflake - jk crimson bc i like to think i'm bamf and crimson = blood which = badass yaknow

Why did you choose your username?

aurora + orion, thus aurion is born. but it was already taken so aurion- it is~

What's your nationality?

american (born there) & ROC (taiwan - live there) (i have two passports even though i'm aware that that's against american law lol oops my parents are sneaky)

What's a tip you'd like to give?

don't get your navel pierced when for school the next day you have dance class for first period and your teacher is an abs-workout fanatic

Why should people follow you?

bc i'm batman (lol, hishe anyone?) nah bc i try updating regularly and i like talking to people and i have a book that i think is quite alright COUGH GO READ IT COUGH (shameless self promo and i'm not even ashamed)

What is your favorite quote?

hmm k i'll be profound here: "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."

[The New Statesman, February 25, 1933]"

Randomness you'd like to share?

uhm i once went to a gymnastics competition and when i did the bar my blisters on my hands all just ripped open so there was blood everywhere and i feel bad for the next girl going bc if i had aids, she better watch out (dw i don't ok)

What's the genre you favor writing in?

fantasy/science-fiction/humor (romance makes me feel awkward to write but i still force that sht in my books bc every book needs a little something that can connect to the readers yafeel)

To read?

as in what i'm waiting to read rn? well i'm actually reading a book rn called "Bodyguard: Hostage" by chris bradford and i just started but it's p cool~

Hair color?

black (dyed some red streaks that turned brown though)

Favorite story off Wattpad?

well i haven't read a whole lot but @hepburnettes has amazing books, like Breakup Formula (da best)

What do you think when I say allons-y?

let's go? i took french for three years in middle school (is it let's go? i'm a bit rusty)

How many languages do you know?

fluently? mandarin and english. i know french though and a little bit of hokkien/taiwanese - so i guess either 2 or 4 and a bit of bullshit

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