Chapter: 6

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Last night was crazy I haven't had that much fun in a long time. Well I made it. I'm 18 years old.
I get dressed a little more fancy for the occasion. Then I hurry downstairs, but when I get down there my mom wasn't home. Which was odd because she is always home this early. She never sleeps in.
I look on the counter to see a note, I shake my head real quick it probably just says she had a meeting or something I'll just talk to her when she gets home. I hurry out the door and jog up to Tamens car.
When I get in a smile brightly at him. When he doesn't say anything I frown and smack his arm, "Say it!" His fake angry look turns into a smile as he laughs and says, "Fine, fine, happy birthday beautiful." I swear my heart skips a beat. "Thanks... Lets go today's going to be a good day!" Tamen smiles and starts to drive.
When we arrive at school I jump out of the car, I'm not usually like this but I just need to let go and everything will be fine! I run over and grab Tamens arm and practically drag him into the school with everyone staring.
Tamen looks at me with a smirk and says, "You know I'm glad we told you to let go, I never knew there were so many layers to you." I smile at him brightly, "I'm not always a miserable, paranoid, asshole. Just sometimes!"
A few people wish me happy birthday as we walk to our lockers that were coincidentally right next to each others. I swing mine open and say, "I'm not letting this day go to waste-" but before I could finish my sentence something shoots out of the locker and hits me in chest all over my white shirt. It was fucking ketchup.
There was a note taped to the back, "Happy birthday, Love Lena."
I saw her by the other side of lockers laughing and recording with some other girls. You know what, I am going to let go for once. Screw the high road. Tamen was already heading at her but I grab his arm, "I got this." He looks at me confused and I walk up to Lena as she laughs and say, "You know I've never been suspended, never had detention, nothing."
She looks at me like I'm dumb and says, "What does that-" I cut her off quickly, "I'm gonna take it for a spin."
Without another word I drive my fist as hard as I can into her nose. She screams, but that didn't feel good enough. I grab the sides of her head and slam it against the lockers. She falls to the ground with blood pouring out of her nose onto her also white shirt.
"Look now we're matching."
"Ms. Monetté!" The principle grabs me and pulls me away from her. As she cries on the floor he tells her to get up and follow him. He starts dragging me to his office and I laugh, and wave on my way. He pulls me in and we both sit in the chairs. I've never even been in the discipline office before.
"What the hell just happened!"
I smile at Lena and say, "Lena thought it would be funny to spray ketchup on me, on my birthday. So she got beat up."
Lena was still crying and the principle hands her a hand full of tissues for the blood.
"Kaden I have never seen you in my office, you have perfect attendance and straight A's. Despite that, you will both be punished. 10 day suspension for you and a 2 day for you."
I look at him with wide eyes, "Are you fucking kidding me? 2 days? So it's more okay to bully someone for years than it is to punch her in the face when you get fed up."
His eyes widen but the doors suddenly open. I turn around to see Luca.
"You should not be in here." Tamen walks in behind him. Tamen goes over to the principle despite his protests and Luca goes to Lena.
"Kaden is free to go back to class. She didn't do anything wrong."
"You took responsibility for the fight and are suspended for 10 days."
My eyes widen as they both nod. What the hell. Luca comes to me and says, "You are free to go we were never here."
I blink slowly as I look at the principle, "So should I go back to class?" He nods slowly almost confused looking.
My smile comes back as I get up and walk out of the office. I walk out only to see Tamen and Luca waiting for me.
"Like I said there is layers to you." I shrug, "There's a lot of stuff I hold myself back from doing. But I'm just letting go." The boys look at eachother and Luca says, "Come on birthday girl let's get you out of here."
We link arms, and walk out of the office. I feel like a Queen.
When we walk into the class room I see Emma and Reece talking in a hushed tone. I ignore it and take my seat next to the boys. That is until they come over to me and say, "Hey can we talk to you in private?" I look at them and roll my eyes, "Whatever you have to say to me you can say in front of them. I promise they won't punch you again."
The boys chuckle beside me, and Reese's face shows his anger.
Emma says, "Being around them is changing you Kaden. At first I thought Reece was just jealous, but I see it now. The Kaden I know wouldn't be acting like this. I roll my eyes again.
Reece says, "These guys are not good people Kaden. I can practically see it in their eyes!"
I could see the boys getting tense. "Have you ever just for a second considered that maybe you don't know me at all? Or that I finally feel like I can be myself, and all the sudden you guys don't like me. Then don't like me in silence, they are here to stay."
Emma's eyes widen and she says, "We've gotten into fights Kaden... but you don't even sound like yourself right now. It's scaring me."
I lean forward on my desk and say, "Yeah we have gotten in fights Emma, like when you had me walk home so you could go hookup with that kid. Or when you drag me to places I don't want to go. Or when you pressure me into being your side kick. Maybe I'm done playing side kick. Oh and you forgot to say happy birthday, bestfriend."
The hurt shows on her face and she looks at Reece for help but he was just as shocked. "You can go away now."
Reece looks at me angrily, "You can't just talk to us like that! What is wrong with you."
Smirking I say, "Oh you're totally right I can't, but... they can." On cue the boys stand up.
Reece looks like he wants to pounce but Emma drags him slowly away. The boys sit back down and Tamens rough fingers grab my chin and he forces me to look at him, "Do you feel powerful with us standing beside you?" My eyes widen at his seductive stare.
         I could get the words to come out.
         "Because you should," Luca finishes. I smile at them both, and lower my gaze. They make me feel like I'm on top of the world.
         Tamen says, "I think it's time to spice this up don't you Luca?" Luca shrugs with a smirk, "It would make our plan move a lot faster."
         I say, "What plan what are you guys talking about?"
         Luca looks deeply into my eyes and says, "I want you show us the dark side of you. I want you to say what you're really thinking all day today." I felt something shift in my head as he says this.
          The teacher walks in, and I look Luca up and down, then I turn and do the same to Tamen.
          I motion for them to come closer and I say, "I want you... both of you right now." Without another word Tamen walks up to the teacher and says something.
          "Luca, Tamen, and Kaden please exit the room." My eyes widen and I giggle.
          We stand up and leave the room. When we get to the halls Tamen throws me over his shoulder. I laugh whimsically as he carries me. They open the door to the janitors closet and he sets me down.
         Luca looks me in my eyes and says, "Say it again."
          "I want both of you... right now." I say seductively. Their eyes light up with hunger and they trap me between them. I could feel Luca behind me and Tamen in front of me. My breathing goes uneven at the thought of them.
           Suddenly their hands are traveling up and down my body in ways I couldn't even explain. They trail kisses up the sides of my neck and a soft moan escapes my lips. My body was on fire in a way I've never felt. They pull my shirt off and usually I would be shy or insecure but I didn't have time to think about it. This is what I have been thinking about.
           But then the door slams open, and some random guy throws the boys away from me. I gasp and step back. He looks me up and down slowly, "Oh you're just ravishing aren't you." Without a second thought the boys come at him. I scramble to put my shirt on. But then the bell rings.
           The man shuts the door and says, "Now be careful about how much noise we make there are children in the halls." He taunts then like they are kids. The man was intimidating and cold. "You scare me." I say without even thinking.
           His eyes snap to me and he says, "I'm sorry darling what was that?" I try to hold it back but I say, "You scare me... It's like warning signs are blaring in my head when you look at me."
         What the hell you're not supposed to say things like that! It's supposed to be internally noted.
         He walks towards me slowly and the boys flinch towards him but he says, "Ah Ah Ah, little brothers. I just want to talk I'm not here to do any damage." They seemed to be having a whole different conversation that I had no idea was about.
          "You're their brother?" He nods as he walks closer. "Yes. And you have every right to be afraid darling." He sweeps a piece of hair from in front of my face and I try to step back but the cold wall hits my back. I look at Tamen and Luca for help but they actually look... helpless?
         Tamen says, "Remember what we told you Kaden. The darkest parts of yourself there has to be more than this."
         Like something inside of me snaps I step closer to him.
         "Awe come on now, you're not that scary." I touch his chin with my fingers and he pulls his head away confusedly.
        "I bet you get off on intimidating poor little girls don't you? You like feeling powerful. I get it, that's how I feel when they are by my side. And that's how I'm going to feel again if you don't get the fuck out of my face." I threaten him menacingly.
        Luca chimes in, "Shes powerful Jax. Incredibly powerful."
         He looks me up and down cautiously and says, "Drink it." We all look at him confusedly as he turns and walks out of the closet.

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