Harry x reader: sick

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Requested by XxStarLightXx6

You've been walking around your home when you happened to hear a coughing fit coming from Harry's room. Harry was you roommate and you both happen to already be in a relationship together.

You stood there silent as you waited, thinking it was probably just your imagination.


You knocked on his door letting your boyfriend know that it was you wanting to come in..... Harry didn't respond.
You opened his door to find him sitting in bed with his head down. He looked badly ill from your point of view as you asked him what was wrong.

He looked up at you and once he did you could see that he hasn't been getting much sleep. Not only that, but he had a runny nose and once you put the back of your hand on his forehead you knew....

The poor boy was sick.

"Harry....." You told him. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" It shattered you at the fact he hasn't been taking care of himself nor the fact he tried to hide it.
"I-" Harry tried to come up with a reason, but ended up keeping his head down feeling guilty before responding.

"I just didn't want you to get sick..." He told you in an upset tone. You sighed and left out of the room.
"Y/N...." He said looking up but you were already gone. His sadness turned to worry thinking you were mad at him and that only got him to feel more hatred onto himself.

You came back a moment later with snacks he could eat, a box of tissues, a wet piece of cloth to put on his forehead and the medicine of course. But when you got there, you noticed your boyfriend with his knees pulled up to his chest and his head down once more rocking himself on his bed in a sitting position against the wall.

You quietly set the tray onto his night stand and sat next to him, giving him a bear hug. He jerked off a bit knowing he didn't want to get you sick but you insisted on hugging him. He gave up and hugged you back as he buried his face on you right shoulder.

Throughout the entire day, you stayed by his side. The others where calling for a friend gathering but you let them know that you were staying due to your boyfriend Harry was feeling unwell.

"Ah, I understand." Sue told you on the other side of the phone.
"Maybe another time." You thanked her and apologized again before hanging up and going back to what you were doing.


"Come on Harry!" You pleaded and he shook his head, covering his mouth. It was already the middle of the night, and your boyfriend ended up acting like a child. You tried many times to give him the medicine but to no avail. At this point you were ready to give up but you knew he wouldn't get better if he didn't take it.

You were surprised he would act this way. You knew Eugene would be the one doing something like this but Harry???
You shook your head and pinched his nose, hoping he will open his mouth and take it. He only lasted for about a minute or two till he gasped out for breath. You shoved the medicine in his mouth and let go of his nose.

You were glad that you succeeded your mission as you handed him a water bottle. He took it and layed down when he was finished pouting. You laughed finding his pouting cute and tucked him in bed. You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, and you were about to leave, when he grabbed you hand.

"Please don't go...."

You giggled when he gave you the puppy eyes and you nodded an okay. You layed down next to him and played with his hair for a bit. He then hugged you close and drifted off to sleep with you after.

The next day...


"Uh, oh." Harry said with an upset frown. Your nose was running and you looked up at him holding a tray.

The End...

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