Eugene x reader: coming over

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You couldn't help at the fact that you were exited to have your boyfriend come over as you stacked up a bunch of his favorite foods on the living room table and turned on the TV  searching for his favorite shows on Netflix.

A few minutes passed as you finished getting ready. You both usually do this every Friday night eating snacks and watching TV together cuddling each other with a blanket. But this time was different.

It started off with a hard day at work Thursday morning, running here and there with your customers orders. You got a few complaints here and there but you tried not to pay too much attention to them. After all, you were too busy in your thoughts about how your boyfriend Eugene was doing at his job.

Once your shift ended, you went to a cafe hoping to find him there waiting for you. You looked around and spotted him realizing the expression on his face as you got closer to him. He seemed a little down and was startled to find you standing next to him. He tried to force out a smile but you can tell he was upset about something.

"You okay?" You asked with a worried look on your face. He sighed and looked into you (e/c) eyes.

"I got fired from my job."

You were speechless not knowing what to say as you hugged him tightly. Knowing how terrible it must have been you decided to change the subject as you sat down and the two of you chatted for a while before locking eyes with each other. It was later then interupted when an idea popped in your head.

"Heeeeey why don't we have a night watching movies together at my place?" You asked.
"But we only do that on Friday's..." He said with a confused look in his eyes as he tilted his head to one side.

"Come on pwease?" You pleaded giving him the puppy eyes. He smiled a bit. "Geez, your weird.... alright." You yelled in excitement making the people around the two of you give you confusing looks.

You heard knocking on your door knowing it was your boyfriend. You gladly opened the door and greeted him in. He smiled and looked around the place surprised to see your home clean since he'll usually find the place dirty.
"You clean- mmf!"

You interrupted him as you shoved a muffin you made all by yourself in his mouth, giggling at his shocked expression. The taste of the (favorite fruit) muffin made Eugene feel glad about coming over to taste your amazing cooking. You grabbed him by the wrist as he ate your muffin happily. You started the movie and you both watched it snuggling close together and eating away.

Eugene grabbed a blanket he found lying around on the floor and wrapped it around the two of you. You both watched and later when the show ended you could hear Eugene's soft snoring, his head on top of yours hugging you close.
You sighed softly and turned off the TV as you snuggled close.

"Goodnight Eugene..." You told him and fell fast asleep. Eugene, who happened to be half asleep looked down at your small figure and smiled.

"Goodnight y/n..."

                                          The End...

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